
# SuperVanish v5.0.1 - Configuration
################ MESSAGE OPTIONS #################
    ####### Fake Join-/LeaveMessages #######
      # Should this plugin broadcast a message when a player vanishs?
      # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
      BroadcastMessageOnVanish: true
      # Should this plugin broadcast a message when a player reappears?
      # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
      BroadcastMessageOnReappear: true
      # Should players with the permission 'sv.see' get an other message when a player vanishs/reappears?
      # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
      SendDifferentMessages: true
      # Should only players with the permission 'sv.see' receive 'fake' Join-/LeaveMessages?
      SendMessageOnlyToAdmins: false
      # Should only players without the permission 'sv.see' receive 'fake' Join-/LeaveMessages?
      SendMessageOnlyToUsers: false
    # Should this plugin hide the 'normal' Join- and LeaveMessages of invisible players?
    HideNormalJoinAndLeaveMessagesWhileInvisible: true
    # Should this plugin remember players who join the server invisible?
    # You can change that message in the messages.yml file.
    RememberInvisiblePlayersOnJoin: true
    # Should this plugin use BarAPI to show invisible players awesome bossbars?
    # Requires BarAPI.
    # You can change the bars in the messages.yml file.
    UseBarAPI: true
################ PLAYER OPTIONS ##################
    # Should invisible players be able to pick up items?
    DisableItemPickUp: true
    # Should players with the permission 'sv.see' view invisible players as ghosts?
    # This feature uses scoreboard teams and could break other plugins.
    # Please disable this feature if it causes problems.
    EnableGhostPlayers: true
    # Should this plugin disable hunger of invisible players?
    DisableHungerForInvisiblePlayers: true
    ################## FLY #################
      # Should invisible players be able to fly even if they aren't in creative mode?
      Enable: true
      # Should invisible players WITHOUT the permission '' lose the ability to fly on reappear?
      DisableOnReappear: true
    # Should invisible players not be able to trigger pressure plates and tripwire?
    # If this feature is enabled invisible players can't trigger pressure plates and tripwire.
    DisablePressurePlatesForInvisiblePlayers: true
    # Should players with the permission 'sv.see' be able to see invisible players?
    EnableSeePermission: true
    # Should invisible players not be able to break blocks?
    PreventBlockBreaking: false
    # Should invisible players not be able to place blocks?
    PreventBlockPlacing: false
    # Should invisible players automatically reappear when they change their world?
    ReappearOnWorldChange: false
    # Should invisible players automatically reappear when they quit the server?
    ReappearOnQuit: false
################ TABLIST OPTIONS #################
    # Should this plugin change the tabname of invisible players?
    # Players without the permission 'sv.see' won't see this tabname.
    # This feature changes the tabname of invisible players and could break other plugins.
    # You can change the new tabname in the messages.yml file.
    # Please note that tabnames can only have a length of 16 or less characters.
    ChangeTabNames: true
############## SERVERLIST OPTIONS ################
    # The ServerList-features require the plugin ProtocolLib!!
    # Should this plugin adjust the amount of players in the serverlist?
    AdjustAmountOfOnlinePlayers: true
    # Should this plugin hide invisible players in the list of logged in players?
    # You can view this list when your mouse hovers over the amount of online players.
    AdjustListOfLoggedInPlayers: true
############# COMPATIBILITY OPTIONS ##############
    # 1 second is equal to 20 ticks
      # The settings below won't do anything if this is 'false'.
      Enable: false
      # These options may allow other players to see you for a very short time if they aren't 0
      HideDelayOnJoinInTicks: 5
      HideDelayOnWorldChangeInTicks: 0
      TabNameChangeDelayOnJoinInTicks: 5
      TabNameChangeDelayOnWorldChangeInTicks: 5
      # If 'EnableGhostPlayers' is enabled
      InvisibilityPotionDelayOnJoinInTicks: 3
      InvisibilityPotionDelayOnWorldChangeInTicks: 3
    # This section is for advanced users only!
    # The event-priority supervanish should use for the specific event.
    # Allowed values are: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST, MONITOR
    PlayerJoinEventPriority: HIGHEST
    PlayerQuitEventPriority: HIGH
################# DO NOT TOUCH ##################
ConfigVersion: 5.0.1

The default messages.yml file is here.