StructureAPI-2.1.0 Page

The StructureAPI
~ Loading and placing schematics has NEVER been SO EASY ~

Do players at your server suck at building? Are you tired of having the most atrocious buildings spread all over your world? Use StructureAPI! StructureAPI allows players to place schematics all over the world!

The StructureAPI provides a convenient way to load up schematics. Players can pick these schematics (also referred to as plans) from a menu and place them in the world. Scroll down to 'Quick Start' or watch the 'Quick Demo' to know more about how to setup your server with plans

StructureAPI aims to be simple. The main features of StructureAPI will be around getting schematics placed. Advanced features that are being developed will be optional, support to other plugins like WorldGuard, Towny etc will be offered in standalone plugins and are of course optional.

Current Features

  • Generate plans from schematics
  • Loading plans into a fancy menu
  • Select plans from a menu
  • Buy plans from a menu (requires Vault)
  • Build a structure or continue construction of a existing one
  • Demolish a structure
  • Stop construction or demolition of a structure
  • Structures don't overlap each other
  • Substructures, structures may be placed inside other structures (configurable to enable/disable)
  • Restore on server crash (Invalid structures are removed and their owners are refunded)

Quick Demo

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In the menu.xml located in "plugins/SettlerCraft-StructureAPI" you can see what categories are available and what synonyms they have. You may also be able to modify them as you like. Plans that do not belong to any category will be added to the "All" category.

Quick Start

  1. Download schematics from any website (for example
  2. Place the downloaded schematics within "plugins/SettlerCraft-StructureAPI/generate"
  3. Start the server or execute the command "stt generate plans" in the server console
  4. Place the schematics together with the generate XML in "plugins/SettlerCraft-StructureAPI/plans"
  5. Restart or reload the server
  6. Plans are now available in the menu, you can open the menu by either using the /stt menu or /stt shop

Note: There is a small requirement for loading the schematics into SettlerCraft. All schematics need to be placed in neutral position which means the schematic needs to be aligned to the east (front pointing to west), unless you don't care about it's orientation. You can do this by simply using the command '/stt rotate [structureid][degrees]' which will rotate a schematic permanently.


Note that the StructureAPI is a extremely powerful plugin and would show no mercy to the land structures are being placed upon. Meaning player's creations may be overwritten by schematics if not protected. Also players might be able to overwrite their own creations on accident. There is no 'undo' function implemented yet.

The menu

The Planmenu

Placing large schematics

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Additional modifications to the way of placing and loading schematics has been made in order load large schematics efficiently. A 72 Million blocks schematic (lthe size of the schematic in the video) is now able to load within 1-2 seconds.

WARNING: Place large schematics with caution. A schematic file with a size of 2MB could easily take up to 1GB of RAM when placed.


/stt generate plans - Generates plans from schematics in the "generate" directory of the plugin's directory
/stt menu - Open the plan menu (All plans are for free)
/stt shop - Open the plan shop (requires vault)

Construction Commands

/stt build [structure-id] - Builds the structure with the id
/stt build [structure-id] <f | force> - Forcefully builds a structure with the id
/stt demolish [structure-id] - Demolishes a structure with the id
/stt demolish [structure-id] <f | force> - Forcefully demolishes a structure with the id
/stt halt [structure-id]- Stops construction of a structure with the id

Structure Commands

/stt list [page] - list structures you own
/stt info - Displays info about the current structure you are within
/stt info [structure-id] - Displays the info about the structure with the corresponding id

Ownership Commands

/stt me - displays the player-id of the player who executes (for commands below)

/stt members [structure-id] - displays a list of members of a structure
/stt members [structure-id] <add/remove> [playername] - Adds a player with the corresponding name, if the name is not unique the id must be used
/stt members [structure-id] <add/remove> [player-id] - Adds a player with the corresponding id. The id must be provided with a '#' followed by the id

/stt owners [structure-id] - displays a list of owners of a structure
/stt owners [structure-id] <add/remove> [playername] - Adds a player with the corresponding name, if the name is not unique the id must be used
/stt owners [structure-id] <add/remove> [player-id] - Adds a player with the corresponding id. The id must be provided with a '#' followed by the id

/stt masters [structure-id] - displays a list of owners of a structure
/stt masters [structure-id] <add/remove> [playername] - Adds a player with the corresponding name, if the name is not unique the id must be used
/stt masters [structure-id] <add/remove> [player-id] - Adds a player with the corresponding id. The id must be provided with a '#' followed by the id

Example of adding owners with an id /stt owners 1 add #23

Members, Owners, Masters...

Members are added to the structure's worldguard region as member (when using SettlerCraft-WorldGuard)
Owners are added to the structure's worldguard region as owner (when using SettlerCraft-WorldGuard)
Masters are added to the structure's worldguard region as owner (when using SettlerCraft-WorldGuard) and may also execute construction commands.

Other Commands

/stt rotate [structureid][degrees]- Rotates a schematic of a structure permanently, all future structures placed with the same schematic will have the schematic rotated.
/stt reload plans - Reloads all the plans

Permissions - Open the planmenu with plans for free (Default = OP) - Open the plan shop to buy plans - Placing a structure/schematic
settlercraft.content.editor.rotate.placement - Permanently rotate schematics

Basic Installation

1. Download the following required SettlerCraft dependencies from

  • SettlerCraft-Core-Bukkit-2.x.x.jar
  • SettlerCraft-MenuAPI-Bukkit-2.x.x.jar

2. Put all these dependencies in the plugins directory of your server.

3. Unzip/extract '' within the plugins directory, so that you will have both SettlerCraft-StructureAPI-Bukkit-2.x.x-jar and the 'SettlerCraft-StructureAPI' directory within the plugins directory of your server.

4. Download both WorldEdit and AsyncWorldEdit from the resources described below. Note that AsyncWorldEdit has a dependency called AsyncWorldEditInjector.(which can be downloaded from the same resource as AsyncWorldEdit. Put all these dependencies/plugins in the plugins directory of your server


Optional Dependencies

  • SettlerCraft-Towny - Support for Towny (since SettlerCraft-2.1.0) and ofcourse requires Towny. Mayors are able to place structures in the wildernis and players won't be able to place structures on or across plots they don't own.

Optional Client Plugins (LiteLoader)


Upgrading from SettlerCraft 1.x to 2.x.x

To increase maintainability the original SettlerCraft has been split up into seperate plugins (see dependencies and optional dependencies)

If you are running an old version of SettlerCraft, please CREATE BACKUPS. After you created backups, remove the old SettlerCraft-1.x.jar and put the SettlerCraft 2.x.x plugins in place. SettlerCraft 2.x.x will upgrade all existing structures to 2.x.x format on server start. Note that you need the regenerate all plans for the schematics and move them manually to the SettlerCraft 2.x.x directory. After the update is done and you've moved you files, the directory is no longer needed.


Project is under heavy development. Current implementation is very subject to change, extending this project will most likely break your code. A proper API and documentation is planned after this project has moved to Spigot.
Proper documentation is still in progress... Sorry! Also the API is still very subject to change.

Upcoming Features

  • WorldGuard Default flags for structures
  • Improved Job handling of structures (Construction sometimes appears to be 'buggy')
  • Manual construction - Feed blocks to structures and make them grow
  • Rollback support - Undo structures and restore the area to before the structure was placed -
  • TownAPI - Additional features for 'Town-Like' behavior (More about this soon...)
  • More to come...

Currently in progress

  • Rollback/Revert area of structure back to before the structure was placed
  • The way structures are automatically build (by AsyncWorldEdit) is getting reworked, this should fix the sometime buggy behavior

Found a bug?

Report it! and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible!


Ideas? Feel free to post below or PM me if u want!


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