Strike v0.0.6

Welcome to my plugin's page!

This plugin allows you to strike where you are looking or another player with lightning!

IMPORTANT - V0.0.4 has a missing permission in the coding which will allow anyone to use /strike <Explosion Intensity> I suggest you upgrade to version 0.0.5+ IMMEDIATELY, as this has been fixed.

Versions 0.0.3+ are now configurable!

To configure the plugin:

1. Start your server with this plugin installed.

2. Open up your server files and navigate to 'plugins -> strike'

3. Open config.yml

4. Next to enabled, true means that the plugin is active for all players, false means that the plugin is disabled for all players. Change this to your preference.

5. If you have edited the file in anyway, save then write 'reload' in your server console and hit enter.


/strike - Strikes the location where your crosshair is pointing with lightning with no explosion.

/strike <Explosion intensity> - Strikes the location where your crosshair is pointing with lightning with an explosion with the intensity you specify (4 is normal TNT intensity).

/strike <Explosion intensity> <player name> - Strikes a player with lightning no matter which world they are in, also creates an explosion with the intensity you specify (4 is normal TNT intensity).

/givestrike - Gives the player a tool with which they can right click to shoot lighting at the location of their crosshair. PARTIALLY FUNCTIONAL. The tool will create an explosion and strike the location the crosshair is pointing towards, the default explosion intensity is 2. This number cannot be changed as of now, but in an update or two it will. Be careful with it!

/helpstrike - Shows the full help screen with no cutoffs.


Version 0.0.6+ only

strike.cross - Allows usage of /strike

strike.player - Allows usage of /strike <player>

strike.tool - Allows usage of /givestrike and using the tool the command gives to you

Version 0.0.3+ only

strike.cross - Allows usage of /strike

strike.player - Allows usage of /strike <player>

strike.tool - Allows usage of /givestrike

Version 0.0.2+ only

strike.cross - Allows usage of /strike

strike.player - Allows usage of /strike <player>

Version 0.0.1 only

strike.permissions - Allows full usage of the plugin

To Do:

  • Add compatibility with the console
  • Add more commands (Post ideas)
  • Add more command parameters
  • Add more permissions
  • Add whatever YOU want! (Within reason)



What I'm currently working on:

  • The To Do list
  • More parameters, for example: /strike <explosion size> <player name> Done!



  • Please note that permissions and commands may change, make sure you have your permissions correct when you load the plugin to your server.
  • There is a small typo in the /helpstrike command, this has been corrected in the next update, but as of v0.0.4, it is still there.


Please leave any plugin ideas and feedback on this plugin in the comments section below!

If you would like to make a plugin review video for this plugin on youtube, please pm me the link and embed code to the video. If it is up to a high standard and does not miss out any functions of the plugin, it could be added to this page! With credit of course!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 2, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 26, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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