
Please read over this section carefully. Many configuration options must not be removed after they have been set to avoid corruption. This plugin does not like the /reload command. Please shut down the server before editing this file.

levels: #This section is where you can specify the levels that weapons will receive as they rank up. Ranks do not have to be in order.
  0: Strange
  500: Notch's Own
idstrings: #To identify the id of each strange weapon, a number is put into the last line of lore. This section lets you specify how this number is disguised. By default, they will appear as "Strange Weapon #1337". If you would prefer them to be known by levels, or something else, you can specify this on the **first line**. All lines following are for other arrangements that you may have had in the past. They will be converted over as soon as the weapon does damage. The three characters "{#}" will be replaced with the numbers. **Do not remove a line after you add it.** If you do, you will end up with a pile of errors and weapons that do not work.
  - 'Strange Weapon #{#}'
  - 'Level: {#}'
datastorage: yamll #By default, this plugin uses yaml. This should be fine for most uses. If you want to use cached mysql, set this to ##mysql##. This means that you cannot edit this plugin's tables while the server is running. If you want, you can set this to "mysql_nocache" to disable caching, but you //will// suffer from terrible performance as queries will be run each time a strange weapon causes damage.
taglengthlimit: 50 #This specifies the limit to how long a name tag or a description tag can be.
maxparts: 3 #This sets the max number of strange parts that can be added to a strange weapon. Set to 0 for unlimited.
  itemDropLimit: 9 #This is the maximum number of item drops a player can get each item reset period.
  itemDropReset: 10080 #This is how long before the item drops are reset, in minutes.
  itemDropRollMaxTime: 70 #This is the maximum time between item drops (assuming the limit has not been reached), in minutes.
  itemDropRollMinTime: 30 #This is the minimum time between item drops (assuming the limit has not been reached), in minutes.
  crateDropLimit: 3 #This is the maximum number of crates drops a player can get each crate reset period.
  crateDropReset: 10080 #This is how long before the crate drops are reset, in minutes.
  crateDropRollMaxTime: 70 #This is the maximum time between crate drops (assuming the limit has not been reached), in minutes.
  crateDropRollMinTime: 30 #This is the minimum time between crate drops (assuming the limit has not been reached), in minutes.
database: #Database connection info. Ignore this section if you are using yaml.
  url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database
  username: minecraft
  password: lolololol
crates: #DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION BY HAND! Use the in game command /crates instead.
drops: #DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION BY HAND! Use the in game command /drops instead.