R2-D2 and other Astromech droids

Astromech droids
To create an astromech droid (also known as a R2-D2), you need to position the blocks like this(note: the wool can be any colour, and the colour you use will apear on the ship(see below)). There are 3 iron bars. If you put 4 the program won't know which way the droid is facing:


Then, place a stone slab on top like this:
It should then follow you.

To make the Starfighters, you need to click on your droid with either an Iron block(to make a basic ship) or a Diamondblock to make the normal one. Click with a gold block to make an X-wing. It is impossible to get any of the blocks of anyships. Removal ships by right clicking on R2 again.

To open Iron doors with your R2, simply left click on them when there is an R2 Following you
R2 Inventory 14 slots to use and extra options such as a lever which when you click turns r2 off/on (doesn’t move, but can be teleported), a Furnace for smelting and a Crafting table for, well crafting.
[i] Troubleshooting
Q.It keeps saying"There is something in your droids way" what should I do?
A.First try to destroy any obstructions and move again, if you are still getting the message, detroy the wool block and then re-make your Droid.
Q."Argg" My droid keeps following me!
A.Destroy the wool block to deactivate your droid.
Q.It keeps bleeping at me when I try to make a ship!!!!!!
A.Make sure you are clicking on the wool its self and not in between two iron bars


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