Stand Showcase

Button Button


  • Custom blocks with IDs
  • Supports player heads
  • Custom rotation
  • Custom speed
  • Custom name with color code support
  • Floats in the air
  • In-Game Alignment
  • Showcase Slides
  • Commands


/sc create [Item] [Name]:

Create a stand with the name (Color Code Supported)

/sc delete:

Delete after [selecting] the showcase you want to delete

/sc deleteall:

Delete all stands that are active

/sc align:

Align all stands, so they all look at the same direction. This can be done with /reload as well

/sc speed:

Set the speed of rotation of the stands

/sc rotation:

Set the amount to rotate every time

/sc addslide [Item]:

Add a slide after [selecting] the showcase you want to add a slide to (Type Changer)

/sc addcommand [CommandSender] [Command]:

Add a command after [selecting] the showcase you want to add a slide to (Type Changer)

/sc resetslides:

Reset the slides after [selecting] the showcase you want to reset the slides on

/sc resetcommands:

Reset the commands after [selecting] the showcase you want to reset the commands on

/sc hardreset:

Deletes any duplicated armor stands in case of an emergency

[Item]: Can either be ItemName: Data (with or without data), and also be hand. When you put hand in, the plugin will take your item in hand for the helmet.

[selecting]: You have to right click one of your showcasing stands, and it activates the action after you have clicked on it.

[CommandSender]: It can be either player or console. If none is given, it will be set to console by default. This is who will run the commands, and can be different for each command.

[Command]: The command to run, and if it is being run by the console, a placeholder %player% can be used to input the player's name.

(Type Changer): The command will change the type of your showcasing armorstand. The current existing stand types are: - Command - Slides You can only have one type for each stand.


The one and only permission existing in the plugin right now is: standshowcase.admin

I may add some more permissions in the future (unlikely)


Rotation: 5
Speed: 1
Debug: true

The configuration system will be one of the simplest you will find.

[Speed]: How fast the item rotates (Speed is 1/20 of a second)

[Rotation]: How much the item will rotate

[Debug]: Whether or not you want the plugin to debug details in case of bugs


  • The slower the speed and the less the rotation, the more smoother it will rotate!


There are no video tutorials yet. Please post in the comments if you have made one!


Bugs and Feature Requests

Before you post a bug, check these things:

  • Correct Java version (8)
  • Latest version of the plugin

If they are all correct, then you may go ahead and post it into the discussions with how you got the error, and screenshots if possible.

In case of a plugin bug and you cannot remove the stands, please use the command: /minecraft:kill @e[type=ArmorStand,c=1] (This will remove the closest armorstand to you)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 8, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Nov 23, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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