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Java 6The plugin is compiled with Java 6, so you need to have that or a newer version for it to work.No
VaultVault is used to hook into your preferred permission pluginYes
PermissionsUsed to replace the #GROUP# tag, and to create groups to identify staff members, unlike other staff plugins.Yes


Installing the plugin is easy! Just place the jar file in your plugin folder, start/restart your server and modify the configuration files to fit your needs. It's as simple as that!


# Please check for a guide on how to set the plugin up
useGroups: false
checkForUpdates: true
- mod
- admin
- owner
format: '&2[&aStaffChat&2] &e#PLAYER# &3(&b#GROUP#&3)&7: &6#MESSAGE#'

This is the default configuration file. The useGroups is if the plugin should use the grant the groups from the groups list the speak and listen permissions. The checkForUpdates is if you want the plugin to check for updates or not. The groups list holds the groups there's considered as staff groups. The format contains the format the staff chat will be in. The format have some tags that you can use, like the player name, the players group, message and a bunch of other stuff (Listed below) Please keep in mind that it's a yml file! So only use spaces and not tabs! You can use this online parser to check your config for errors before saving.

Available Formatting Tags

#MESSAGE#This tag will be replaced by the message the staff member sent
#PLAYER#This tag will be replaced by the player's actual name or Console
#UUID#This tag will be replaced by the player's UUID
#DISPLAY#This tag will be replaced by the players display name
#CUSTOM#This tag will be replaced by the players custom name (if set)
#GROUP#This tag will be replaced by the players group (The console tag will just be removed)


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