
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Version: 1.0

CraftBukkit Build 1.3.1-R1.0 [Tested]


This plugin lets you create a php script on your website lets say on the rules page where the user inputs their Minecraft name and receives a Unique code that that they have to type in the server to become a player. This is useful as with other /apply plugins people can tell their friends the code but now the code has to match the username. The Codes are stored on a MySQL server so you must have one to use this plugin. For promoting this also uses vault.


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//MySQL Server info
  Enabled: true
  Server: localhost
  Database: minecraft
  User: root
  Password: '0000'
//Stops guests from talking
  Chat: true
//Messages Supports colors
  ChatBlock: You are not allowed to talk as you are guest
  JoinMessage: Welcome follow the signs to be promoted!
  BroadcastSucess: true //If it broadcasts to all players
  BroadcastMessage: '%player% Has been promoted to player!'
  GuestGroup: Guest //Default group
  PromoteToGroup: Player //Group to promote to


To get the database made first put your mysql info in the config and restart the server. It will create all the tables for you. Now for the tricky part the website code the unique code can be made anyway as you can make the php how you want. I will include an example that I use for my server so that you can either use it of make it better.

The first bit of code is the apply.php should look something like this. http://pastebin.com/LDfvSfkr Make sure to edit the MySql information to your servers info.

The second thing you need is to add a form to your main page such as your rules page. http://pastebin.com/4jA1v3x5 Make sure to make the link to your apply page.

Here is an example page http://pastebin.com/LPKs7RLc Edit the bits that say yoursite.com to the link that links to your apply.php on your website which you also filled in.


  • /apply <Password> - Apply command for guests
  • /sqlapply - sqlapply.admin
  • /sqlapply reload - Reloads the config
  • /sqlapply check <PlayerName> - Returns the passwords of the player
  • /sqlapply promote <PlayerName> - Manually Promotes the player
  • /sqlapply remove <PlayerName> - Manually removes player from the cant talk list
  • /sqlapply removeexpired - Removes apply codes over 1 hour old


Version 0.1

  • Release of plugin


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 23, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 23, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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