

  1. Drop the .jar file into the server's plugins directory
  2. Restart the server
  3. Edit the newly generated config.yml file (into the "SpoutWorldReloaded" directory)
  4. Restart the server

Config. file:

SpoutWorld Reloaded:
  MainWorld: world                           # a NON-Spout world to kick players to (if they log in to a Spout-Only world)
  SpoutWorlds: spoutworld, spoutworld_nether # worlds which require Spoutcraft to join
  ForceSpout: false                          # Kick people from the server if they don't have Spoutcraft
  messages:                                  # Messages given for the various actions the plugin makes/allows
    kick: 'You need Spoutcraft to join this server! Get it at:'
    denyWorld: You need Spoutcraft to enter that world.
    allowWorld: Welcome to a Spoutcraft-only world!
    notification: true


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