

What is Spoutlogin?

This Addon adds an login system to the server. Every Player has to login with username and password bevore he could change anything of the server world.

The login happens on a welcome page with much informations about the server (should be configureable in future). At the moment there is a server logo, an welcome text, a list of currently online ops and the count of online players on it.

New users can register on an register page. When the account is created they are still guests until an op will approve them (this also should be configureable)

The data is atm saved in a MySQL database. Further variants will hopefully come in future. Some ideas I have: File on Server, phpBB?! Encryption happens with JBCrypt, a Java Implementation of Blowfish.

Actually Status

BETA Status, means the plugin is not recommend for using on gaming servers. I have to do some more work until it would be completly stable.


Welcome Screen with login


Registration Window


Test Server


  • Bukkit b1566
  • Spout 589
  • Spoutlogin 0.0.4

Server-password: test


  • /slogin - shows the graphical login window
  • /sapp - approves user (not implemented yet)


If someone has ideas how to make it better, please feel free to leave a comment or ticket.

Where to get this?

You could find an Download under the files-page. This version is in BETA-stadium, so only use if you want to find bugs for me;)


  • create configs
  • create configs for welcome screen
  • remove some Events that Players also could do when not logged in (item drop, attacking mobs, getting XP-Orbs, ...)
  • adding Permissions support
  • create database table when first starting
  • add phpBB3 support
  • add auto updates?


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