Installing the Staff Texture

Background Information

This tutorial is for both server administrators and players. Because Mojang does not like people distributing their work, we cannot provide you with a direct link to a texture pack containing the staff texture. However, we are allowed to give you the staff texture and instructions on how to put it into your game. If you are a player who wishes to continue using a custom texture pack, but you also want the staff texture, follow this tutorial using your texture pack's items.png instead of the default one.


The first part of the tutorial walks you through extracting the default items.png file from your minecraft.jar and editing in the staff texture. It is relevant for both server owners and players. The second part is for server owners only. It explains how to pack the default textures (plus a few special Spells textures) into a texture pack, as well as how to make it the server's default texture pack.

Tools you will need

  • A program that can open .jar files (i.e. 7zip)
  • An image editor (I will be using GIMP for this tutorial)
  • Dropbox (Server owners only)


  1. Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip (or comparable program). Screenshot.
  2. Open the gui folder. Select items.png and extract it to an easily accessible folder (i.e. My Pictures). Screenshot.
  3. Minimize the 7zip window, but do not close it (we will need it later). Navigate to the newly extracted items.png and open it with your image editor. Screenshot.
  4. Download the staff texture and place it in the same folder as the extracted items.png.
  5. Open Staff.png as a layer in your image editor. If your image editor is not capable of opening Staff.png as a layer, open it as a separate file, select all of it, and copy it. Screenshot.
  6. If you copied the staff instead of opening it as a layer, create a new layer in the items.png window with a transparent background and paste it into that layer.
  7. Move the layer so that the handle of the staff texture matches up with the handle of the hoe texture, then move it one more pixel to the left. Then, erase the hoe from the original layer, leaving only the staff. Make sure that the hoe is completely erased. Screenshot.
  8. Merge the staff layer with the background (items.png) layer and save the image (it should still be named items.png). Then, bring the 7zip window back up and replace the old items.png with this new one. Screenshot.
  9. Players have finished the tutorial! You should be ready to use your new staff. Server owners, there are only a few more steps for you.
  10. Select the 12 files shown in the screenshot using ctrl+click as well as pack.png, pack.txt, and particles.png (not shown in the screenshot). Screenshot.
  11. Extract these files to an external folder, making sure to keep them all together. Replace pack.png with this file. Open pack.txt and replace its text with this text. particles.png does not need to be changed.
  12. Select all the extracted files from step 9 (including the new pack.png and pack.txt) and zip them. Name the zip file Spells.
  13. Use Dropbox's public folder to upload this new zip file. Get its public link (right-click > Dropbox > Copy public link).
  14. In your file, find the line "texture-pack=" and paste the zip file's public link after the "=".
  15. You're done! It should prompt players to download the pack upon attempting to join.


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