
This is the most important part of Spellitems.
It can be used to create custom Items and Enchantments.
But it might also be a bit complicated to understand at first.
Here is a as detailed as possible (for me) description:

The items.yml is sepperated into two parts:

  • items: Here you can create your custom Items
  • enchantments: Here you can create your custom Enchantments


Every Item has this basic structure to describe the Item itself:

      name: "Yeay a Stone!"
         - "Nothing special here"
      id: 1
      data: 0

Now the explanation:

  1. internalname: This is the name which can be used to Give/Reference the Item
    • It must be unique and cannot contain spaces
  2. name: This is the Ingame name of the Item
    • This needs to be set or else the item will not work
  3. lore: This is the Ingame lore of the Item
    • This needs at least one line or else the item will not work
  4. id and data: These are simply the id and datavalue of the Item

Then the spells are described:

      useUp: false
      ignoreDamage: false

The Explanation:

  1. useUp. Will this Item get consumed when it was used
  2. ignoreDamage: Should the damage/datavalue of the item get ignored(usefull for items with durability)
  3. countup: Used for "charging up" spells, can be left out
  4. leftclick, rightclick and onEat are the possible actions on when to cast the spells
    • Every Item can have spells on all three of them, but doesn't need to
    • I will use leftclick for the further explanation


   enabled: true
       max: 90
       perSecond: 30
       overridable: true
          move: true
          damage: true
          itemSwitch: true

The Explanation:

  1. enabled: This can be used to enable needing to "charge up" the spell
  2. max: The value at which the Spells will get casted
  3. perSecond: How much will it increase per second(starting at 0)
  4. overridable: This can be used to make the Spell overidable by other Spells with "countups"
  5. interrupt: This can be used to define the actions which interrupt the counter
    • move: Moving
    • damage: Taking damage
    • itemSwitch: Switching to another item

Finally the Spells themselves:

           - "Caster ItemEffectSound BAT_IDLE:1:0.5"
         cooldown: 10
           cost: 0

The Explanation:

  1. effects: This can be used to create various effects
    • More detailed information here: Effects
  2. cooldown: The ammount of time in seconds you have to wait until you can use that Spell again
  3. mana-cost: This can be used to define the ammount of mana you need to cast this spell
    • Right now there is no way to get mana so you should leave this at 0
    • This will hopefully change for Version 1.2
  4. casts: This can be used to define which Spells will get used

casts syntax:

      cast: "ItemDamage"
      require: -1
         - 0
         - 2
      cast: "ItemDamage"
      require: 0
         - 1
         - -2

The explanation:

  1. All spells need to be numbered
  2. cast: This is the name of the Spell
  3. require: This can be used to only execute a Spell if another one succeded(-1 to ignore)
  4. castVars: A list of vars used for the Spell

Information on what Spells are available and what vars they require can be found here: Spells
Examples can be found in the default items.yml


Enchantments have the same syntax as items but with less options.
The Spells will get used on a Player when he was damaged with the Item.
These Enchantments also work on Bows, Snowballs, Eggs, ... Example:

      name: "Poison"
      effects: []
          cast: "ItemPotionEffect"
          require: -1
            - 0
            - "19:60:4"


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