

SpeedMining Logo

New version 3.0 is out now!

  • recoded
  • added: some commands
  • added: custom language
  • changed: the whole setup process
  • changed: revised languages
  • fixed: all known bugs
  • added to mcstats.org

SpeedMining is a minigame for minecraft which allows you to promote digging competitions.
You can set up a game like that:


You can see the sandfields. Each field is for one player. The goal is to dig down in this field and find some blocks (defined by you).
The fields can have multiple levels of materials. You can add an infinite number of fields.
Test it out and enjoy! :D


  • Support for multiworld servers
  • Create as much fields as you want (may lag when too much)
  • Custom layers
  • Unlimitet size
  • Customizable language file
  • Random generated Blocks
  • You can have some fun with this

Simply put the SpeedMining.jar into your plugins folder and restart the server.

Create arena

  1. Build something that looks like a useful SpeedMining arena. (Like an arena with six 10x7x12 fields in it.)
  2. Type /sm create <gamename> <id[:damage]> <amount>
    • gameName - the name of the game
    • id - the id of the block you have to find
    • damage - the damage of the block you have to find
    • amount - how many of those blocks you have to find

Select fields

  1. You need to select fields because the plugin will not select them itself.
  2. Take a wooden shovel (269).
  3. Select two opposite corners on the top layer of a field.
    • leftclick - set corner 1
    • rightclick - set corner 2
  4. Type /sm addfield to save the selected field.
  5. Now do the same again with all fields.


  • At the moment you can't remove fields ingame, so be careful.

Create the layer-pillar

  1. Build a pillar with any blocks you want.
    • This pillar is like a vertically core drill through a field.
    • The height of the pillar will automatically set the height of the fields
    • You can edit the pillar when ever you want; The new blocks will be used by the next game start.
  2. Take the wooden shovel again.
  3. Select the top and the bottom block of the pillar.
  4. Type /sm setlayers to save the location of the layer-pillar.


  • Do not destroy the layer-pillar; this will cause the plugin to generates empy fields.

Set the spawnpoint

  1. Search a place where players should be teleported to when they join a game.
  2. Do /sm setspawn

Set the inventory

  1. Put all the things you want players to have in their inventory when playing the arena in your inventory.
  2. Do /sm setinv to save the inventory.

join and start

  1. You and at least one other player have to type /sm join <gamename>
  2. Now you're in the lobby (spawn)
  3. A certain percentage (defined in the config.yml) of the players should now do /sm vote to start the game.
  4. Now you're in the game. Play :D

how to win

  • Search all wanted blocks and destroy them, but remember, there are other players who could get them before you :O


sm.play/sm joinJoin a game.
sm.play/sm leaveLeave a game.
sm.play/sm voteVote to start a game.
sm.list/sm listGet a list of all arenas.
sm.create/sm createCreate a new arena.
sm.create/sm selectSelect an arena.
sm.create/sm addfieldAdd a field to an arena.
sm.create/sm setspawnSet the lobbyspawn for an arena.
sm.create/sm setinvSave your inventory as equipment for an arena.
sm.create/sm setlayersSave the layer-pillar.
sm.create/sm todoGet a list of things you have to do to make an arena playable.
sm.create/sm removeDelete an arena.
sm.reload/sm reloadReload the game files.
sm.lang/sm langChange the language.


SpeedMining is available in two languages (German and English). If you want to change the language do /sm lang <DE|EN|custom>

customloads the text from the language.yml

If you find a bug please send me a PM or write a comment.


  • perhaps clean up the code (There's a huge chaos)
  • add a command to remove fields
  • add a scoreboard
  • add some config options
  • upload images
  • upload a video


Tutorial by Dragon252525

SpeedMining - MCStats


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 14, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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