
Main - Configuration

This plug-in is controlled through .json configration files.

After you reload or restart your server, you will be provided with the following files:

/plugins/SocialNetwork/config.json - The main configuration file

/plugins/SocialNetwork/resources.json - This is where you define your localization values

/plugins/SocialNetwork/network.json - This is an internal file. Do not edit.

You will also see a directory called "/plugins/SocialNetwork/DataFiles". This is where the details for each player is stored.

Some helpful links:

GSON - Bukkit's built-in JSON parsing library.

JSONLint - Tool for validating your JSON files.

Default config.json

This configuration file is used for the plug-in global settings.

  // If you want players to have to choose a gender upon logging in, set this to true.
  // This will cause players to have their moment stopped and be given a command to choose their gender.
  // They will not be allowed to move or use any social network commands until they make a choice.
  "genderChoiceRequired": true,

  // If you do not wish to allow same-gender Marriage, then set this to false.
  "sameGenderMarriageAllowed": true,

  // When a couple is married we announce this through global chat. If you do not want that to happen, set this to false.
  "globalAnnouncePriestMarriages": true,

  // This is used to provide debug information should you need to provide it for issue resolution.
  "loggingDebug": false,

  // This defines the Perk configuration you wish to have available to each social group.
  // Below is a basic setup, giving each social group all the same Perk configurations.
  // You can add/remove each perk from the social group "perks" list if you do not want that particular social group to have that Perk.
  // For advanced configurations, please see our Wiki:
  "perkSettings": [
      // This defines the settings for the "/social gift" Perk.
      "type": "GiftSettings",
      "data": {
        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "gift",
        // This is how long a player must wait before they can send another gift.
        "coolDownPeriod": 0,
        // This is the cost (money) for using this Perk.
        "perUseCost": 0.0,
        // The maximum number of gifts that a person can receive.
        "maximumNumber": 10
      // This defines the settings for the "/social tell" Perk.
      "type": "TellSettings",
      "data": {

        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "tell",
        // This is how long a player must wait before they can send another gift.
        "coolDownPeriod": 0,
        // This is the cost (money) for using this Perk.
        "perUseCost": 0.0
      // This defines the settings for the "/social sticky" Perk.
      "type": "StickySettings",
      "data": {
        "name": "sticky",
        // This is how long a player must wait before they can send another sticky.
        "coolDownPeriod": 0,
        // This is the cost (money) for using this Perk.
        "perUseCost": 0.0,

        // The maximum number of stickies a player can have.
        "maximumNumber": 10
      // This defines the settings for the teleportation Perk.
      "type": "TeleportSettings",
      "data": {

        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "teleport",
        // This is how long a player must wait before they can send another gift.
        "coolDownPeriod": 0,
        // This is the cost (money) for using this Perk.
        "perUseCost": 0.0
      // This defines the settings for the damage prevention Perk.
      "type": "PlayerDamageSettings",
      "data": {
        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "damage",

        // If you want to allow damage from another Player
        "damageAllowedFromPlayer": false,
        // If you want to allow damage coming from a projectile.
        "damageAllowedFromProjectile": false,
        // If you want to allow damage coming from a Tamed creature.
        "damageAllowedFromTameable": false,

        // This is how long a player must wait before they can send another gift.
        "coolDownPeriod": 60
      // This defines the settings for the bonus experience Perk.
      "type": "BonusExperienceSettings",
      "data": {
        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "bonusxp",

        // The distance, in blocks, that the players must be near each other in order to gain this bonus.        
        "proximity": 20,
        // The direct bonus experience to add to the amount normally gained from the kill.
        "flatBonus": 20,
        // The percentage bonus to add to the amount normally gained from the kill.
        // This is applied before the flat bonus above.
        "percentBonus": 50
      // This defines the settings for the health regen Perk.
      "type": "HealthRegenSettings",
      "data": {
        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "fastHealthRegen",

        // The distance, in blocks, that the players must be near each other in order to gain this bonus.        
        "proximity": 20,
        // This is the number of hearts to gain per server "tick". Each number represents a half heart increment.
        // This can be a negative number also to create a "no regen" or "negative regen" effect for wanted cases.
        // If a negative is given, we do not allow it to reduce them below 1 heart to avoid death.
        "heartsPerkTick": 1
      // This defines the settings for the food sharing Perk.
      "type": "FoodShareSettings",
      "data": {
        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "foodShare",

        // The distance, in blocks, that the players must be near each other in order to gain this bonus.        
        "proximity": 20
      // This defines the settings for WorldGuard integration Perk.
      // WorldGuard integration allows us to add social group members to your existing regions upon adding them to your lists.
      // When you remove them from your social group lists, they also lose access to your regions.
      "type": "WorldGuardSettings",
      "data": {

        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "worldguard"
      // This defines the settings for LWC chest protection Perk.
      // The LWC integration allows us to add social group members to your existing LWC access lists.
      // When you remove them from your social group lists, they also lose access.
      "type": "LWCSettings",
      "data": {

        // The name here can be anything you want but must match the same name below in the social group "perks" list.
        "name": "lwc"

  // This section is where we define the settings for each social group.
  "groupSettings": {
    // This defines the settings for children.
    "childSettings": {

      // The maximum number of children a single player can have.
      "maximumChildren": 30,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 0.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to the player and their children.
      // If you do not want the players in this group to have a particular Perk, remove it from the list. 
      // It will not be available to them unless that player belongs to another group that has the same Perk assigned to it.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for friends.
    "friendSettings": {
      // The maximum number of children a single player can have.
      "maximumFriends": 30,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 0.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to players and their friends.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for relationships.
    "relationshipSettings": {
      // The maximum number of relationships a single player can have.
      "maximumRelationships": 30,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 0.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to players and those they are in relationships with.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for affairs.
    "affairSettings": {
      // The maximum number of affairs a single player can have.
      "maximumAffairs": 30,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 0.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to players and those they are in an affair with.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for engagements.
    "engagementSettings": {
      // The period of time (in seconds) that needs to pass before an engagement can be turned into a Marriage.
      "engagementPeriod": 300,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 50.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to the player and their partner.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for divorces.
    "divorceSettings": {
      // The period of time (in seconds) that needs to pass before a player gets over their divorce and want to be 
      // in a relationship or engagement again.
      "bitternessPeriod": 300,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 50.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to the player and their ex-partner.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for marriages.
    "marriageSettings": {
      // The period of time (in seconds) that needs to pass before a Marriage can be turned into a divorce.
      "honeymoonPeriod": 300,

      // The cost charged to a player when requesting someone to be part of this group.
      "perUseCost": 0.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to the player and their partner.
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for lawyers.
    "lawyerSettings": {

      // The period of time (in seconds) that needs to pass before a player gets over their divorce and want to be 
      // in a relationship or engagement again.
      "bitternessPeriod": 0,

      // The cost charged to both players when a lawyer is used to divorce them.
      "perUseCost": 500.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to you if you are assigned to the lawyers list through /social admin. 
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"
    // This defines the settings for priests.
    "priestSettings": {

      // The period of time (in seconds) that needs to pass before a Marriage can be turned into a divorce.
      "honeymoonPeriod": 0,

      // The cost charged to both players when a priest is used to marry them.
      "perUseCost": 500.0,

      // This is the list of Perks provided to you if you are assigned to the priests list through /social admin. 
      "perks": [
        "gift", "tell", "sticky", "teleport", "damage", "worldguard", "lwc", "bonusxp", "fastHealthRegen", "foodShare"

Advanced Configuration

For advanced configurations, please see our Wiki.


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