
Version: 0.65 DISCONTINUED

Watch the video below for better understanding. So, someone claimed you can't noclip with vanilla Bukkit. Thats a real shame! I want to stroll right trough this mountain without lifting a finger. So, what to do? I don't want to force our admins to mod their clients, they like spout so there might not even be mods avaible for them. So... Here we go with a vanilla noclipping plugin. Well, its not exactly "noclip" as it actually just makes you a small hole through the mountain and closes it behind you. Still, closest thing to noclipping ya can get with vanilla bukkit.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

h2. Recent Changes

  • Released the plugin
  • Fixed subtype issues

h2. Features

  • Walk through the stuff in front of you.

h2. Planned features

  • Go up/down with sneak/space
  • Create an antigravitational field around the user to keep gravel/sand from falling.
  • Allow turning blocks invisible for the player, to make the navigation easier.

h2. Commands

  • /SNoClip for credits/info
  • /SNC to toggle noclipping on and off

h2. Permissions

Sanzennin.member.SNoClip || Allows the viewing of credits/info, default is true. Sanzennin.admin.SNC || Allows noclipping.

h2. Installation

Place SNoClip.jar into your plugins folder. Enjoy!

h2. In case of trouble

  • If its permissions: Please ensure you have an uptodate permission plugin. Outdated plugins might not work.
  • If its anything else: Please tell your bukkit version, possible message in the console, events that led to the error.
  • Please, always look at the files "known caveats" list to make sure its something I don't already know.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
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