

# # SneakThief
# # config file
    use-Residence: false # check Residence for allow-steal flag?
    use-Worldguard: false # check Worldguard for allow-steal flag?


# # SneakThief
# # config file
    player-distance: 5 # maximum distance a player can steal
    failure-percent: 50 # failure
    damage-on-failure: 2 # damage when user failed
    alert-player: true # alert player when someone is stealing, or failed to steal from his/her inventory.
    command-on-success: 'none' # let player run this command when rob is successful.
    command-on-failure: 'none' # let player run this command when rob failed.
    cooldown: 5 # cooldown in seconds after a failed try, or after the inventory is closed
    max-tries: 3 # ! NOT USED YET
    max-stacks: 3 # ! NOT USED YET
    no-npc-stealing: true # deny players from stealing for NPC's (only Citizens currently)
    wait-message: '&cYou need to wait %s seconds!'
    fail-message: '&c%s tried to steal from your inventory!'
    alert-message: '&c%s is stealing from your inventory!'