Snake Minigame

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Snake Minigame

The 90s Game recreated in Minecraft with a growing line of Sheep visualizing the snake. Slimes are the points you need to eat in order to grow, if you run into a wall or another snake, you die. Each player gets his own color, thus only a maximum of 16 players can play this minigame.

New Version using MinigamesLib (and supporting 1.7.X):


Pex doesn't care about OP, you need to give yourself the permissions!

  1. Set the main lobby where all join signs will be: /sc setmainlobby

For each new arena:

  1. /sc createarena [name]
  2. Set the waiting lobby (different than the main lobby!): /sc setlobby [name]
  3. Set as much spawns as your min-players setting: (just repeat the following command) /sc setspawn [name]

To create a join sign:
1st line: snake; 3rd line: arenaname

Creating a join sign requires the permission snake.sign.


  • LibsDisguises
  • ProtocolLib


/sc createarena [name]creates a new arenasnake.setup
/sc setlobby [name]sets the waiting lobby for a new arenasnake.setup
/sc setspawn [name]sets the spawn for each color (team)snake.setup
/sc setmainlobbysets the main lobbysnake.setup
/sc removearena [name]removes a arenasnake.setup
/sc join [name]joins a game per command
/sc leaveleaves the game
/sc start [name]forces an arena to startsnake.start
/sc reloadreloads the configsnake.reload
/sc listlists all arenassnake.list
/sc setmaxplayers [arena] [count]sets max players of an arenasnake.setup
/sc setminplayers [arena] [count]sets min players of an arenasnake.setup

Creating a join sign requires the permission or snake.sign.


  auto_updating: true # I recommend you to set that to true for bugfix releases etc.
  default_max_players: 4 # max amount of players that can join and will be used as a default
  default_min_players: 3 # amount of players required to start a game and min amount of players that will be used as a default
  use_economy_reward: true # if set to true, the winner get the money reward, if false, the item reward
  money_reward_per_game: 30
  itemid: 264
  itemamount: 1
  use_command_reward: false # will execute the following command as a reward, if set to true
  command_reward: eco give <player> 100
  start_anouncement: true # enables server broadcasts
    arena: '&aSuccessfully saved arena.'
    lobby: '&aSuccessfully saved lobby.'
    setup: '&6Successfully saved spawn. Now setting up, might &2lag&6 a little bit.'
  not_in_arena: '&cYou don''t seem to be in an arena right now.'
  config_reloaded: '&6Successfully reloaded config.'
  arena_is_ingame: '&cThe arena appears to be ingame.'
  arena_invalid: '&cThe arena appears to be invalid.'
  arena_invalid_sign: '&cThe arena appears to be invalid, because a join sign is missing.'
  arena_invalid_component: '&2The arena appears to be invalid (missing components or misstyped arena)!'
  you_fell: '&3You fell! Type &6/sc leave &3to leave.'
  you_won: '&aYou won this round, awesome man! Here, enjoy your reward.'
  starting_in: '&aStarting in &6'
  starting_in2: '&a seconds.'
  arena_full: '&cThis arena is full!'
  starting_anouncement: '&aStarting a new snake Game in &6'
  started_anouncement: '&aA new snake Round has started!'




More videos:

[SPANISH] Good spanish plugin tutorial by YanPerez: link

[RUSSIAN] Russian plugin tutorial: link


  • add scoreboard
  • add 1.6.4 support
  • add more sign editing options
  • change ProtocolLib and LibsDisguises dependencies to be optional.
  • add multiple command rewards
  • more ideas:
Quote from ZeaLBG:

Can you make slimes to be 1 size or smaller give - 1 sheep, medium - 2 sheeps, bigest - 3? And add a auto add 1 sheep evere x seconds? Configurable. Kits: Mamba - Speed 1 - unlimited use every 6 seconds Anakond - Can be invisible for 3 seconds. All of his tail get invisible and can move trought other snakes - 1 use Add here and in mob escape: When you win u can get coins with which you can get your kit (configurable) -

Additional Information

This plugin uses the Metrics system by hidendra and sends some server information like Java/Server version, Player count and OS Information to the official MCStats servers.

The plugin also has an autoupdater included, which can be turned off in the config by disabling "auto_updating".

You can find the source code here. Have fun :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 30, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 30, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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