

All kits get 16 soup.


As Archer, you start with full Chainmail armour, and a bow.
The bow is enchanted with Unbreaking 10, Infinity 1, Sharpness 1 & Power 2.


As Tank, you start with full iron armour, and a diamond sword.
With Tank you get Resistance 1.


With Turtle, you start with a Chainmail helmet & boots along with Leather Tunic and Leggings. You also get an iron sword.
While sneaking, you will only take 20% of the original damage. (10 hearts will only be 2).


As Grandpa, you will start with Leather armour, an iron sword and a stick.
The stick is enchanted with Knockback 5.


With Knight you will start with full Diamond armour and an Iron sword.
The sword is enchanted with Unbreaking 10.


As Creeper you start with Leather armour, a wood sword and sulphur.
When you right click the sulphur you will explode.
Default explosion strength is 9. TNT is only 4.


With Ninja you only get Gold boots, a Gold sword and 8 enderpearls.
The boots are enchanted with Protection 5, Unbreaking 10, and Feather Falling 10.
The sword is enchanted with Unbreaking 10 & Sharpness 3.


Wither starts with full Leather armour, a wood sword and a wood hoe.
Right clicking your wood hoe will shoot Wither Skulls.


With Stomper you start with full Leather armour and a stone sword.
You take reduced fall damage & any damage you would take is transferred to nearby players.


Angel starts with full Chainmail armour with a Leather hat with a stone sword.
Above y:39, Angel gets Speed 2 & Strength 1.
As Angel you also only take 50% fall damage.


Currently a Work in Progress still.


Starts with Leather hat, Chainmail chestplate, Gold leggings and Leather boots along with a Gold sword and a spider eye.
Your sword is enchanted with Unbreaking 10 & hitting players with your spider eye will poison them.


Starts with Iron armour with Diamond boots along with a gold sword and a redstone torch.
Your sword is enchanted with Unbreaking 10 & hitting players with your redstone torch will turn them around 180 degrees.


Blaze starts with full Leather armour, an iron sword and a blaze rod.
Your sword is enchanted with Unbreaking 10 and hitting players with the blaze rod will cause them to spontaneously ignite.
You also do not take any fire related damage and get speed for being in fire/lava.


Starts with a Diamond helmet, Iron chestplate, Leather leggings & Gold boots along with an Iron axe.
Your axe is enchanted with Sharpness 2 & Knockback 1.


As Fisherman, you start with full Leather armour, a Diamond sword and a fishing rod.
Your sword is enchanted with Knockback 1 and you are able to reel players all the way to you with your rod.


Start with Leather armour, a stone sword and TNT.
Right clicking your TNT launches a Primed TNT projectile.
You are also immune to any explosive damage.


As Poseidon, you start with an Iron helmet, Leather tunic and leggings, and Diamond boots. You also get a stone sword.
When in water, you get Speed 2 and Strength 1. You will also never drown.


With Thor, you start with full Leather armour besides your Diamond leggings. Along with that you get a stone sword and a wood axe.
Right clicking a block with your axe will strike down lightning.


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