
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Slayer adds new task-based gameplay to Minecraft with inspiration from RuneScape's "Slayer" skill.



Due to my involvement with another very large project (Demigods 3, a continuation and complete remake from the ground up of Demigods 2), I will not be updating Slayer for a while. I will hopefully get to it within a month or two and start adding more features. I greatly apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Stay tuned for eventual updates though. Thank you.


To install Slayer, simply drop the Slayer.jar file into your plugins directory and reload! A configuration file will be generated automatically along with two other task and string configuration files and you can use those to fine-tune your Slayer installation.

Slayer v1.2 Changelog


As of Slayer v1.1, the plugin includes a built in automatic update system so you never have to bother downloading from BukkitDev and messing with FTP again. You can set the plugin to automatically update on reload when a new update is available, or you can set it to a command (/slayer update) reserved for users with the slayer.update permission node. By default, Slayer will automatically notify those same users when a new update is available, but you can disable that too.

It's highly recommended that you keep auto update enabled as it allows for faster bug fixes and feature releases, but it's of course completely up to you if you want to leave it set to auto or not.


  • Generates a tasks.yml file which allows you to completely customize your server's tasks.
    • Currently supports timed tasks, item obtaining tasks, mob killing tasks, and more to come!
    • Includes 17 creatively designed default tasks (all editable of course) which allow you to start playing immediately!
  • Extremely easy-to-use item processing screen to update your tasks.
  • Specify item rewards for task completions (with enchantments too!).
  • Rewards are saved in the players very own rewards "backpack" for easy viewing and obtaining.
  • Set limits on how many tasks players can have at any given time.
  • Tasks are extremely easy to choose via the Task Inventory which holds automatically generated "Task Scrolls" (/tasks).
  • Sends active progress messages to players upon completing elements of their assigned tasks and lets them know when they can fully complete a task.
  • Customizable messages for Slayer-related events via the generated strings.yml file.
  • If enabled, will automatically prevent players from camping at spawners for kills.

Planned Features

  • In-depth Statistics Mostly finished!
  • Leveling system to allow for greater expandability. Finished!
  • New UI-based task displaying (moving as much out of the chat as possible). Finished!
  • Rework the reward handling to be simpler and easy to use. Finished!
  • Leaderboard
  • Give players economy-related rewards (will work with most major economy plugins)
  • More task types and features!
  • Allow random rewards for tasks.
  • Possible NPC support. (?)
  • Allow admins to set time periods that tasks that can be used (a task can be reused after X hours).

Any planned feature listed above is subject to change or removal, though it's unlikely.

Known Issues

  • Already completed tasks are available again after the server is restarted.

These issues are at the top of my priorities to fix. If you run into any more, please leave me a comment below.


Basic CommandsDescription
/slayerReturns some information about the Slayer plugin.
/slReturns a list of available commands.
/sl tasksIf enabled, this will give the player a list of all available tasks.
/processOpens the player's item processing team to allow them to submit items to their active tasks.
/acceptUsed when accepting a task selected from the Task Inventory.
/sl my infoGives the player some Slayer info about themselves.
/sl my tasksShows the player a list of their current tasks.
/rewardsReturns a list of the player's current available rewards.
/sl forfeit <#>Allows the player to forfeit an assignment and if enabled, will punish them.
/sl leaderboardDisplays the Slayer task leaderboard.
/sl scoreboardDisplays the Slayer task leaderboard.
Administrative Commands
/slayer updateOnly available to OPs and players with the slayer.update permission node. Allows for in-game automatic updating of the entire plugin.
/sladminReturns a list of available administrative commands.
/sladmin saveForces Slayer to save its current state just as it would periodically.
/sladmin clear entitiesClears all entities from the tracking system (used to prevent camping).
/sladmin remove task <player> <#>Removes the task with the specified id from the player.
/sladmin reset player <player>Resets the entire save for the player given back to default.
/sladmin set points <player> <amount>Sets the points for the player to the amount specified.
/sladmin set level <player> <level>Sets the level for the player to the what's specified.


join_messagetrueSends quick message about Slayer when joining.
private_scoreboardtrue(Only applies to those running a compatible CraftBukkit build.) Allows players to have a Slayer scoreboard to show them personalized stats while they play.
level_up_fireworktrueShoots a firework above the player upon leveling up.
autotrueAutomatically updates the plugin if there is a new stable version available.
notifytrueNotifies applicable players that there is an update available.
limit5The maximum number of tasks a player can have at a time.
full_listtrueAllows players to see a full list of available tasks.
join_reminderstrueSends the player a task reminder when joining.
completion_fireworktrueShoots off a pretty firework at the player's location when completing a task.
point_multiplier1.0A global multiplier for all task values. (Multiples whatever is set as the value for the task in the tasks.yml file by the specified amount.
reusablefalseHides completed tasks if set to false. Otherwise it will allow the player to do the same task multiple times.
enabletrueAllows players for forfeit tasks after being assigned.
punishtruePunishes the player by removing points from their total.
punishtruePunishes the player by removing points from their total.
spawner_killstrueBlocks players from camping at spawners for kills by making those kills not count.
save_freq300The frequency (in seconds) at which to save Slayer data.
assignment_refresh_freq120The frequency (in seconds) to clear up old assignments.
entity_tracking_period1200The time (in seconds) to keep entities spawned via spawners in memory to prevent camping. If you notice significant lag (very unlikely), try reducing this number.


slayer.basicAllows for basic use of the Slayer plugin.
slayer.admin OP DefaultGives administrative permissions to the player.
slayer.update OP DefaultAllows the user to update the entire plugin via the update command.

Support and Suggestions

To report bugs, make suggestions, or receive support for Slayer, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 1, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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