Example Config File

#kitname (permissions is automatically added)
default: !!Kit
  description: "Standard kit with 1 Day cooldown - Simple Iron Armor/Weapons."
  cooldown: 86400 #cooldown time in seconds (1 Day)
    - {id: IRON_HELMET, amount: 1, slot: helmet}
    - {id: IRON_CHESTPLATE, amount: 1, slot: chestplate}
    - {id: IRON_LEGGINGS, amount: 1, slot: leggings}
    - {id: IRON_BOOTS, amount: 1, slot: boots}
    - id: IRON_SWORD #see http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html
      amount: 1 # the amount (can be bigger than maximal stack size)
      slot: 0 # the slot (0 to 25 or helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots)
      enchantments: #see http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html
        - {type: FIRE_ASPECT, level: 2}
        - {type: KNOCKBACK, level: 2}
    - {id: TORCH, amount: 128}
    - {id: POTION, amount: 3, effect: {type: INVISIBILITY, level: 2, splash: true, extended: true}} #see http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/potion/PotionType.html
admin: !!Kit
  cooldown: 86400
    - {id: GOLD_HELMET, amount: 1, slot: helmet}
    - {id: GOLD_CHESTPLATE, amount: 1, slot: chestplate}
    - {id: GOLD_LEGGINGS, amount: 1, slot: leggings}
    - {id: GOLD_BOOTS, amount: 1, slot: boots}
    - {id: GOLD_SWORD, amount: 1, slot: 0, enchantments: [{type: FIRE_ASPECT, level: 2}, {type: KNOCKBACK, level: 2}]}
    - {id: TORCH, amount: 128}
    - {id: POTION, amount: 3, effect: {type: INVISIBILITY, level: 2, splash: true, extended: true}} #see http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/potion/PotionType.html
vip: !!Kit
  cooldown: 86400
    - {id: DIAMOND_HELMET, amount: 1, slot: helmet}
    - {id: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, amount: 1, slot: chestplate}
    - {id: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS, amount: 1, slot: leggings}
    - {id: DIAMOND_BOOTS, amount: 1, slot: boots}
    - {id: DIAMOND_SWORD, amount: 1, slot: 0, enchantments: [{type: FIRE_ASPECT, level: 2}, {type: KNOCKBACK, level: 2}]}
    - {id: TORCH, amount: 128}
    - {id: POTION, amount: 3, effect: {type: INVISIBILITY, level: 2, splash: true, extended: true}} #see http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/potion/PotionType.html


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