SimpleEgg Pages Root/Configuration

Configuration Guide (for v0.3.0 and newer)

A complete guide to the SimpleEgg configuration. Your configuration file should automagically add new configuration fields as they are added to the plugin. How cool is that?

But as a result the comments get wiped out of the file, save the veeeery first line in the file. So here are all the configuration fields by their name. Questions unanswered? Head back to the main page and leave a comment!


Description: Automatically check for updates. Only notifies, no automatic download.
Default: true



Description: Show or hide the [SimpleEgg] tag on plugin messages.
Default: true


Description: Exchange system for mob captures. Set to 'item' to utilize item settings, set to 'vault' to use vault settings. Vault settings require the Vault plugin to be installed and running.

Default: item


Description: Item consumed when a player catches a mob. Must be a Bukkit Material type. A full list can be found in the JavaDoc for the Material enum (don't worry, code literacy not required!)

Default: DIAMOND


Description: The name of the above material type that will show in the /simpleegg command

Default: Diamonds


Description: Number of items required per capture. Set to 0 to require no items.

Default: 5


Description: The amount of currency to charge per mob capture.

Default: 100


Description: Refund egg if capture requirements not met.

Default: true