Simple Bukkit Info

Simple Bukkit Info

- a simple, but powerful infomation plugin



This plugin is intended for server admins and is full of useful information. Whether its telling the user the ip and port of that server or stating whose on the whitelist and is it enabled.


Simply put the .jar in your plugins folder. IT DOES NOT GENERATE A FOLDER, THERE IS NO NEED. Your done :-)


There are a total of 1 commands in the plugin right now. Its that simple! Key: [ ] = Optional


  • /bukkitinfo [pagenumber]


/bukkitinfo will give you page 1. /bukkitinfo [pagenumber] will give you that page. There are 3 pages.

PERM: simplebukkitinfo.allow



Here are the permissions!


  • simplebukkitinfo.*


This is here for people who like to have * on the end xD! It includes the only permission for the plugin, and is pointless xD



  • simplebukkitinfo.allow


This permission gives the user access to /bukkitinfo [pagenumber]. This is the only commands apart from the above.



Thanks for looking at this page! If you like the plugin please leave a comment and if you have any issues please create a ticket!

My other plugins:

- SimpleTp

- SimpleFlip

- SimpleColors

- SimpleHeal




If you need a minecraft server thats good and all that join Orbix

Plus I own the server with some others so say hi!


Suggest plugins in the comments and I might make it


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 20, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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