Main page in English

English :

Warning, my pluging NEED this plugin :


Hello, Here is my new plugin minecraft: BossBar! This plugin has been tested under spigot and bukkit.

In the 2.0 version, there are 3 different languages activated: French (2), English (1) German (3). That's all ! As I say this plugin was doing the simplest way possible.


The config :

My plugin use a simple config file. On the vertion 1.2.0, the config file was :

version: '1.1.2' #Don't tuch
activer_plugin: true #if you want disable the plugin
contenu_bar: 'Indiquez ici le contenue de votre BossBar' #Contenant of the bar (max 64)

AFTER 2.0 : If you want change the language to english, change the line "langue_plugin" to 1.


The config (after 2.0.0) :

#         BossBar V2.0.0 Build 3.1.7 by Goug3                      #
# Spigot :       #
# Bukkit :     #
version: '2.0.0 BukkitOnly' #Don't tuch
activer_plugin: true #if you want disable the plugin
langue_plugin: 1 #Change as 2 if you are french !
# French = 2, English = 1, Germany = 3.
contenu_bar: 'Indiquez ici le contenue de votre BossBar' #Contenant of the bar (max 64)
dure_spawn: 20 #During of the spawn bar in seconds MAX:180
bar_temporaire: true
######### ONLY if bar_temporaire is on FALSE #########
contenu_bar_2: 'Indiquez le contenue de  la deuxieme bar'
activer_bar_2: false
contenu_bar_3: 'Indiquez le contenue de  la troisieme bar'
activer_bar_3: false
contenu_bar_4: 'Indiquez le contenue de  la quatrieme bar'
activer_bar_4: false
aleatoire: true #Don't enabled = Don't change to false !
######### Uniquement si bar_temporaire est sur FALSE #########


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