Simple Donations

Simple Donations

Ever want to set a simple donation message to players? Then this is the plugin for you!

With one simple command you can set a donation message for players to see when they type /donate

Commands & Permissions

  • /donate | Sends the donation message to the command sender, as set in the config.yml | Permission: none
  • /donate list | Sends a list of available donation options, such as available ranks, to the command sender, as set in the config.yml | Permission: none
  • /donations help | Sends a help menu to the command sender | Permission: donations.admin
  • /donations reload | Reloads the plugin's config.yml | Permission: donations.admin
  • /donations set <msg> | Sets a donation message that can be auto-broadcasted or sent to a player with /donate | Permission: donations.admin

Config File Example

#------------[Simple Donations]------------#
# Contact Info #
# YouTube: #
# Bukkit Forums: #
# Our server: #

# When a player types /donate they will be sent this message.
# The message supports standard chat colors, such as &4
Donation Message: '&bThis is a message'

# Auto-send the donation message?
auto-broadcast: true

# The time in seconds for how often the message will be broadcasted
message-time: 30

# Set a list of donations that a player can donate for.
# Supports standard chat colors, such as &4
Available Donations:
- Example rank 1
- Example rank 2

# Update Checking
# If set to true, you will be notified when a newer version is posted on Bukkit Dev
# If set to false, the plugin will not check for newer versions
update-check: true

To Do

-Add a timer to auto-display the donation message

  • Possibly add the ability to have a list of multiple messages that can be sent either randomly or in a specific order.
  • Anything else that you guys want!

Goals & Special Thanks

Thanks for helping this plugin reach 1,000 downloads! This is my first plugin to achieve such a feat and I really appreciate it :)

1k Downloads: 1/9/14

2k Downloads: N/A


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 29, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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