

Using SGTitles is very easy. You can do everything you need with the in-game commands! We also offer a special import and export feature which i will explain further down to assist you in making batch edits.

Basic Commands

/title or /title ? - Brings up SGTitles help!

/title list [user] - List all titles you own, or view another users titles

/title set <title> - Sets a title. You must own the title you are trying to set.

/title color [color] - Type without a color to get a list of all available colors. Typing the command with a color changes the users name color

/title clear <prefix/suffix/color> - Clears the currently set prefix/suffix/color

Administrative Commands

/title add <user> <title> - Grants a user access to the specified title

/title revoke <user> <title> - Revokes a title from a user. If the title is currently active for them, it also clears it from their name

/title create <name> <data> <prefix/suffix> - Creates a new title. Data is the actual title that will show up for the player, while name is just for referencing the title in other commands (Ex. /title create developer &8[&aDeveloper&8] prefix)

/title modify <name> <data> [prefix/suffix] - Modifies the specified title. If no prefix or suffix is entered, the position will not be altered.

/title delete <name> - Deletes a title completely. However, this will not remove it from active users. To forcefully remove a title from all active users, it needs to be deleted followed by a server restart.

/title reload - Reloads config.yml from disk.

Import and Export

/title export - Exports a list of all titles to backup.yml in the SGTitles plugin folder.

/title import - Imports titles from the import.yml file found in the SGTitles plugin folder. Import format is the same as the exported format. If a title already exists and is imported, it will overwrite the title. Use import to make massive batch edits to titles without having to run a command for each one.