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Plugin conflicts with plugins that already have the command /spawn, this plugin is suitable for hub servers


/lobby - teleport in the lobby

/setlobby - Set lobby

/lobbyreload - Reboot Configuration, version: SetLobby 0.6


- setlobby.lobby - Teleport to the lobby.

- setlobby.setlobby - Set lobby

- setlobby.reload - Reboot Configuration

Description of the plugin:

The plugin allows you to set the point to teleport to the lobby, for a start writing: /setlobby but to teleport in the lobby write: /lobby To prevent conflicts with EssentialsSpawn, SetSpawn Delete if there are plug-ins before to put setlobby.

More details about the installation:

Installing lobby


Teleport in the lobby


Restart the plugin configuration


The list of changes version:

SetLobby 0.1 - "First issue!"

SetLobby 0.2 - "the second issue, the possible errors."

SetLobby 0.3 - Error nope:) +Added sounds when teleport +The effect of fire when teleport +Added Config"

SetLobby 0.4 - Fixed some small bugs +Added time to teleport

SetLobby 0.5 - You want the plug-in Essentials for this version, and this version will be just one permissions for this version - essentials.setlobby / lobby

SetLobby 0.6 - Many bugfixes. Command: /rlobby changed to /lobbyreload Fixed bug with "null" teleportation or installation lobby Modified message when teleportation and install the lobby. Recommend it highly to use this version, it is better than all the rest:)

SetLobby 0.7 - Removed the Prefix [SetLobby] when administering command /lobby , changed message painted, and new folder name SetLobby without, versions.

SetLobby 0.8 - Updated to version 1.8 fixed a Bug with text in version 1.8+

SetLobby 0.9 - Tweaked text, fixed encoding

SetLobby 1.0 - Modified code that added support for the new version.
SetLobby 1.1 - Changes in messages, added support for new versions. (Including 1.13)

All versions of the plugin:


Video Review of the plugin (Russian) 

Video Review of the plugin (Turkey) 


Comment on my plugin:) Talk about the flaws.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 6, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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