Server Modes

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Server Modes

Server Modes

What is it?

Server Modes (SM) is a easy to use, lagfree bukkit plugin. What this plugin does, is enable you to set your server to "OPS" only mode (Only people granted OP), Staff only mode (Players with the permissions "ServerModes.Staff"), Testing only mode (Players with permission "ServerModes.testing") and public (anyone may join). Once the mode is set, all players without the requirements will be kicked. New players without the requirements will also not be able to join.

How do I set the mode?

To set the mode, you must first have the permission "ServerModes.setmode" and then simply run the command "/setmode <ops, staff, testing, public>" (Choose one item from in the <>) and voila! Everyone without the set requirements will be kicked.

Does it stick through reloads?

Yes! With the current system, your mode will stay through reloads/restarts.

Installation, Commands, Permissions


To install this plugin, simply download the file (located in this project) and put it into your plugins folder.


There is ONE Command!

/setmode <mode>

The current modes are: Public (all players are allowed), Staff (Only players with the permission "ServerModes.Staff"), Testing (Only players with the permission "ServerModes.Testing) and Ops (Only OP players).


ServerModes.setmode: Allows players to set the server mode. ServerModes.testing: Allows players to join while in testing mode ServerModes.staff: Allows players to join while in Staff mode.

Planned Features

Adding BungeeCord implementation, specifically a bungee plugin which would go across all servers


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