
#Custom Welcome MOTD (Multi-MOTD Support)
- '&6Server &5Hello'
- '&4Server: &aAnother MOTD!'
#Custom Maintenance MOTD (Multi-MOTD Support)
- '&8Server: &9Maintenance!'
- '&7Server: &1Another maintenance Message!'
#The Kick Message
KickMessage: '&4Server Is Under Maintenance!'
#This will broadcast the message for the delay command the seconds before the delay is over
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 30
- 60
#The format of the seconds
BroadcastSecondsMessage: '&4Maintenance Mode In %t Seconds!'
#The format of the second
BroadcastSecondMessage: '&4Maintenance Mode In %t Second!'
#The format of the minute
BroadcastMinuteMessage: '&4Maintenance Mode In %t Minute!'
#Global message when the servermaintenance mode enables
BroadcastOnMaintenanceEnableMessage: '&4Server Is Now In Maintenance Mode'
#Global message when the servermaintenance mode disables
BroadcastOnMaintenanceDisableMessage: '&bServer Is No Longer In Maintenance Mode'
#This will check for updates
CheckForUpdates: true
#Don't change this. It will automatically change
enabled: true
#-NEW- Message when server stops
StopMessage: '&6Server Has Stopped! NEWLINE Come Back Later &l:)'!


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