BadBlocks - You Decide!

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

<center>BadBlocks - You Decide!</center> _______________________________________________________________________________________ <center>Description: This plugin will block "BadBlocks" you decide forbidden blocks, you can edit forbidden block in config file. Also u can see default config file below. When player tries to place/break forbidden block he receive message like "You are not allowed to use "Block"", and player with permission receive a message like "Nickname tries to place "Block"", or "Nickname tries to broke "Block"".</center> _______________________________________________________________________________________ <center>Features: You can edit "BadBlocks" in config file. Player can't place "BadBlocks", and receive message "You are not allowed to use "Block"". Player can't destroy "BadBlocks", and receive message "You are not allowed to use "Block"". Player with notify permissions will get a message when player tries to place or broke block. </center> _______________________________________________________________________________________ <center>Permissions: badblocks.allowall - Default OP - This allows player to place all forbidden blocks. badblocks.notify - Default OP - This allows player to receive notify messages. _______________________________________________________________________________________ <center>Installation: 1. Put .jar file in your Plugin Folder. 2. Run the server, wait to load plugins, then stop the server. 3. Go to folder "BadBlocks", and edit config.yml if u want. 4. If u set something to true, player will be able to place that block. 5. If u set something to false, player will not be able to playe that block. 6. Save the config.yml 7. Run the server, and there u go!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 20, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 24, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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