

On this page you can learn about all the variables this plugin comes with and how to use them. Even if it may not seem so, variables are a powerful tool that makes your announcements and/or messages much cooler and more interactable.

For example, you can have the player's name on your welcome-back message! Or even his IP, health, experience, level, money (if vault is enabled) and much more, for example the server's ip, motd and so on.)

As you can see, it brings you many, many options. This plugin also comes with a few commands (by default disabled, you need to enable it if you want to use it.) that instead of outputting text into the chat, output the text using this awesome screen messages.
For example, if you enter /myxp it will appear on the screen for a few seconds telling your XP, your level and how much XP you need for next level. The same goes with /mymoney etc. You can change the commands and permissions and the output text.

VariableAlias/esDescriptionRequirementsAvailable in
%playername%%player%Shows the name of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%health%- - -Shows player's current health.- - -1-r1.1a
%experience%%exp%Shows the experience of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%level%%lvl%Shows the level of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%expToNextLevel%- - -Shows the experienece the player requires to reach next level.- - -1-r1.1a
%gamemode%%gm%Shows the Gamemode of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%playerweather%- - -Shows the player weather of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%weather%- - -Shows the current weather at player's location. (eg. sunny, raining...)- - -1-r1.1a
%playerip%- - -Shows the IP of the player.- - -1-r1.1a
%serverip%- - -Shows the IP of the server.- - -1-r1.1a
%balance%%money%Shows the balance of the player.Vault, Economy Plugin1-r1.1a

Ideas for other variables? Post them below in the comments!


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