
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ScoreboardStatLogger v1.0


ScoreboardStatLogger is a statistics logger for the HGMGS plugin that allows users to track some game statistics using Minecraft scoreboards. It records the number of wins, losses, games and kills for each player.

How to Use

  1. If not already in the "statistics" folder of the HGMGS, download "SBD.jar" and put it in the "statistics" folder (located with "config.yml" for the HGMGS).
  2. Add/change the "statloggerJAR" config in the HGMGS config.yml to "SBD.jar".
  3. Use the scoreboard commands in Minecraft to display any of the four objectives:
    1. hg_wins
    2. hg_losses
    3. hg_games
    4. hg_kills
  4. OPTIONAL: To change the names of the objectives or the display names, add any of the following configurations to the HGMGS config.yml:
hg_wins.nameDefines the name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'hg_win'
hg_wins.displaynameDefines the display name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'&aWins'
hg_losses.nameDefines the name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'hg_loss'
hg_losses.displaynameDefines the display name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'&cLosses'
hg_games.nameDefines the name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'hg_game'
hg_games.displaynameDefines the display name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'&7Games'
hg_kills.nameDefines the name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'hg_kill'
hg_kills.displaynameDefines the display name of the scoreboard objective for wins.'&6Kills'

Example HGMGS Config File Contents

Located in HGMGS "config.yml":

statloggerJAR: SBD.jar
  displayname: '&6Kills'
  name: hg_kill
  displayname: '&aWins'
  displayname: '&cLosses'
  displayname: '&7Games'

Example Scoreboard Command

/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar hg_wins

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 27, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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