
For admin

When score sign is closed:
The final score [final_score] is usually the average score of viewers.
But admin can set a forced score or max reward for that score sign before close it.

(Every viewer can influence the result. But Admins can over write it.)

For the author

When score sign is closed:
If [final_score] < {auther_score_threshold}, he will win no money.
Else, he will win {auther_max_reward} * ([final_score] - {auther_score_threshold}) / (10.0 - {auther_score_threshold}).

(The author will win more money if he gets higher final score.)

For a viewer who has given a score

When gives a score:
He will pay {price}.

When score sign is closed:
Let [score_diff] = abs([the_score_he_gave] - [final_score]).
If [score_diff] > {viewer_score_threshold}, he will win no money.
Else, he will win {viewer_max_reward} * ({viewer_score_threshold} - [score_diff]) / {viewer_score_threshold}.

(A viewer will win more money if he gives score more close to final score, and will lose money if his score is far away from final score.)


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