


If you are tired of server getting deforested quickly, then this is for you!
When a user chops down a tree it will replant a sapling automatically (according to how you have configured it to do so).

v0.7.3 is a pre-release version with work-in-progress sapling protection that was made on request! If you're not sure you want the hard coded 30s sapling protection feature this version offers I recommend using v0.7.2 instead!

What it does?

When a user chops down a tree SaplingAssist has [chance] percentage of replanting a sapling in the same spot of the same tree type after [delay] seconds. (It will only replant if the block is empty and still has suitable ground under it when the delay time out.)

All replant-settings can be customized on player / world / game-mode basis and can easily be edited ingame or from console while the server is running (if you have the proper permissions) or you can edit the yml files manually and reload them.


It has full permissions, per world / player / game-mode settings + world / player / server defaults, replant chance, replant delay, both console / ingame commands, auto-validation of config (limited), auto-cleanup of config (limited), undo-support (only of save/load-stuff), command-confirmation (partial), simultaneous ingame changes + on-disk changes merging (experimental), auto-backups, from console manual backup / restore, on server shutdown pending (delayed) replants happen instantly, and more.

The cleanup is useful because it gives a report + it can auto fix case mistakes (config is case-sensitive). (Check Only or Check+Clean.)

Also all show/change commands take convenient in-any-order arguments (world, player, mode) with all arguments optional and makes intelligent guess for missing arguments. Example: not specifying a player: guess its you, or if on console, guess its default for specified world, if no world, guess at server default.

How to use?

Install the plugin, start the server, start configuring the sapling settings for all your players / worlds! All replant-settings can easily be changed and viewed ingame or from console. (Except remove-command - planed for a future version!)

Some plugin-settings can only be changed manually in the yml-files, but their default values should be fine for most people. Plugin has commands for reloading the configs so they can be edited while server is running. (See Note2)

For more info on how to use SaplingAssist, and some examples, refer to the Commands-page.

For more info on permissions, refer to the Permissions-page.

Note1: Don't forget to save manually before server shutdown if you decide to turn autosave off.
Note2: SaplingAssist has experimental merge-support and it will attempt to merge on-disk changes with changes made ingame but not yet saved. However this merging does not guarantee perfect results so best practice is to not make ingame and manual on-disk changes simultaneously.


Refer to the Configuration-page for more info and sample configs.


Refer to the Commands-page for more info on available commands.


Refer to the Permissions-page for more info on permissions.


Post in the comments below and I will read through them / reply every now and then.

To-Do - High priority

  • Make the replant protection configurable (locked to 30s protection in v0.7.3).
  • Add support for replanting of other things, for example Cactus (fully configurable of course).
  • Auto-update support. (I have been working on my own greatly improved fork of the popular Updater 2.0 class: PluginUpdater (v1.2.1 atm) that I will use to implement auto-update in the next version.)
  • Move the usage description to a help-command and only show help for the commands you have permission to use.
  • Add remove-command that lets you remove entries from the config from ingame. (Currently you can add and change, but not remove.)
  • Add configurable replanting in case of forest fires.

To-Do - Low priority

  • Add view-command that lets you preview the whole config before saving.
  • Multi-assign - specify settings for many targets with just one command.
  • Tab-completion of world and player names.
  • Make a short video demonstration.
  • At some point I want to look into making trees fall down when you chop them ^^
  • Maybe some cool new features - perhaps settings for biome, tree-type, distance from spawn? Suggestions?


Q: I installed the plugin, started the server and configured the settings I wanted in the config, but after shutting down / restarting the server all my settings are gone!

A: This is not a bug. If this happens then merge is off, autosave is on, and you forgot to do a reload of the config before shutting the server down. Autosave does make a backup before overwriting the config, but the backup will be overwritten too (with the current running config at the time) if you restart the server again. If you don't like this behavior, turn autosave off. However this is not recommended if you plan on making lots of changes from ingame or allowing other players to change some of the settings. In that case these changes would be lost unless someone with save-permission does a save before the server shuts down. (This is the core reason config-merging was implemented, but as stated merging is not perfect because there is no obvious way to resolve conflicts.) However if you don't plan on giving others permissions to change settings then it should be fine - just remember to do a save before shutdown. (And if you forget, there is a backup for this too! ;) - But again the backups lifespan is limited to next server restart.)

Notes from the author

0.7.3: Took some time off from other things and did some plugin coding this weekend. Great news is that I haven't found or had any new bugs reported for v0.7.2, sweet! Still I've decided to stay in beta-status because that allows me to do releases like this with a good conscience, hehe. So after that remark you are probably wondering what the caveat with v0.7.3 is? Well basically I've added the mechanics for sapling-protection in this version, fully working! But since I've got heaps of commands, config validation etc. that needs updating for this to be configurable it is hard-coded to 30s protection at the moment. Don't like that? Stay on v.0.7.2 and wait for the next release which will contain the necessary updates for commands/permissions/configs to make this properly configurable. Oh, and did I forget to mention - with protection in place this now opens up the possibility of replanting other plants! Consider v0.7.3 a small teaser for more great things to come. :)

I have now split the To-Do list into High/Low priority to give people a clearer view of what's likely to appear in coming versions. Also I changed the license to GPLv3. On another note: While you wait for v0.7.3 to be approved by the moderators go ahead and check out my two other plugins (very small ones) that I released this weekend.

0.7.2: I had a bit of spare time again so i recompiled it for 1.6.2, squashed two bugs, and added two of the things that was on the todo-list (UseCurrentWorldAsDefault: false behavior change and replanting on server-shutdown). So if your running v0.7.1 go grab v0.7.2 and let me know how it works for you. (Pending bukkit approval.)
I'm leaving it at beta status still since I personally consider the remove-command to be a requisite feature for this plugin to be a solid well-rounded product. This is also the reason I'm still not bothering to compile for java6 - I promise to do that once I feel satisfied with the plugin, and it's getting close! :) (Just as long as I find enough time to work on it.)

0.7.1: I poured a lot of time into this at one point, but lately I've been busy with other things. It's been working for some time, and tested on my own (small) server since version 0.5.2 (is @ 0.7.1 at time of writing). I originally intended to add a few more things before release, but I've been preoccupied with other things so figured I might as well release the current version, which should be working just fine. (See To-Do.)

(Made for Java7 - source is included in the .jar)

To see all my plugins in action, join ip:fudzer.se - a multiworld 1.6.4 server for hard survival, parkour and more.
Has nice customized worlds and uses all my plugins! Find out more at http://fudzer.se


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