Safe Command Block

Safe Command Block

What is Safe Command Block?

Safe Command Block makes the management of command blocks easier and safer. There are some problems what command blocks have:

  • Command blocks cannot be used from a player who doesn't is a op.
  • Command blocks can execute nearly every command (except kick, ban, op, deop, stop), so they aren't safe.
  • You can only set a name of a command block only with a anvil.

If you have a public server you won't be able to build a adventure map with other players with this problems. Safe Command Block solves these problems with these features:

  • Whitelist or Blacklist Commands
  • World Whitelist (optional)
  • Commands can be set from players even if they not op and in creative mode
  • Set the name of a command block
  • Reset the command of a command block
  • With permission limitation
  • Extra Color Codes

With this plugin you are now able to build a adventure map without worries!

What do I need to run Safe Command Block?

You will need a plugin called ProtocolLib and you need the bukkit build #2685 or higher. Install it and run it together with Safe Command Block. If anythig goes wrong just write a comment.

You may install some other plugins for more safety!

List of Commands/Permissions

SafeCommandBlock.accessNothingIf someone has access to command blocks (modify the command)
SafeCommandBlock.bypassNothingIf someone can bypass whitelist, blacklist and worldwhitelist
SafeCommandBlock.colorNothingIf someone can write the command with color codes to command blocks
SafeCommandBlock.resetCommand/resetcommandIf someone can reset the command of a command block (admin command)
SafeCommandBlock.setCommandName/setCommandNameIf someone can set the name of a command block (admin command)
SafeCommandBlock.setCommand/setCommandIf someone can set the command of a command block
SafeCommandBlock.reload/scbreloadIf someone can reload the config file of Safe Command Block

Formatting Codes can be found here - Note: You'll use a & instead of a $.

Note: Admin commands won't check for other permissions like blacklist or whitelist!

For config sample click here.

How to use

If you want to modify the command of the command block or use a command from Safe Command Block, please be sure to target the command block directly. If you do so, nothing should go wrong!

Having Problems?

If it is a small problem, just write a comment. If it is a big/heavy problem, then please use the ticket function. Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 26, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 29, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License

