
ok... on this page am just not gonna worry about how it looks lol..... i'm gonna pck an item on my todo list and throw my solution out there on here.... if anybody has a more efficient solution or can see why this wouldnt work please comment or pm with your solution... thanx

problem: SAI needs to store the following information about players:

  • nickname - instead of jamiemac262 sai will be able to communicate in a less formal manner.... hi jamiemac262 will become hi jamie
  • ingame warnings - swear once you get a warning.... swear twice u get muted swear 3 times you get kicked and the 4th time you swear your not comming back (i REALLY dont like swearing)
  • gamemode - instead of "sai survival" or "sai creative" we can have "sai gamemode"..... sai change my gmemode
  • permission level - player - donator - moderator - admin - i will need to create permission nodes for each level i think.... this will mean sai wont look for OP when responing to a request

so... i am going to store this information in a .yml file..... when the player logs in for the first time SAI will create a file pName.yml and write this information to their file..... and change it as appropriate


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