Rpg Guilds


I have decided that we are going to be merging all of the RPG style plugins into a single plugin, Servers that want to only use a few features from them will still be able to do so through our config files. The RpgAPI page we have will be the one the plugin gets released on. It is taking a bit longer than expected to get them all updated but we are trying to make them as configurable as possible so every server can use them exactly how they want to.



Rpg Guilds
Give your players the ability to create guilds with custom names. make seperate guild ranks, control the ranks permissions in game (if their rank has the ability to do so), use guild only chat, and see when guild members come on and off line!

- Vault

/g - speak in guild chat
/guild create {name}- create a new guild named {name}
/guild invite {playername} - invite a player to your guild
/guild accept - accept a pending guild invite
/guild deny - deny a pending guild invite
/guild gmotd {message} - set the guild message of the day players see when logging on
/guild kick {playername} - kick a player from your guild
/guild disband - disband your guild
/guild quit - leave the current guild your in
/guild list - list all members of your guild and see if they are online or offline
/grank create {rank name} - create a new rank for your guild
/grank delete {rank name} - delete a rank for your guild
/grank set {player name} - sets a players rank within your guild
/grank title {rank} {title} - sets the display title of a rank for guild chat
/grank perms {rank} {perm} {true / false} - set a permission to true or false for a guild rank
/grank list - list all possible guild ranks to set

/o {message} - officer chat
/gtp {playername} - teleport a guild member to you
/grank edit {rank name} - bring up the gui for rank permission management
/guild tp {on / off} - turn guild teleports on or off on your server (Op's only!)

/guild create {name} {tag}- create a new guild named {name} with a 4 charactor tag {tag}
/hq set - set your guild headquarters
/hq tp - teleport to your guild headquarters
/guilds - show all guilds on the server and how many players they have
/lookup {playername} - show a players pvp kills, currency, and guild (if their in one)

new config options in V1.3:
Guild Names in Chat: true - should guild tags be shown in chat?
No Build: false - is guild build protection enabled on your server?
TP: false - are guild tp's enabled on your server?

guild.create - ability to create a new guild

guild.teleport - permission to use the guild teleport system!

Upcomming features:
- guild bank system
- suggestions?

My RPG Plugins
Rpg Click

Rpg Party

Rpg Trade

Rpg Guilds

RPG Food

RPG Lobby

RPG Achievements

RPG Spawns

Help fund my programming hobby :)

I'm always available to help with issues with this plugin. feel free to log onto my ts3 at voice.vartala.com or add soulofw0lf on skype (Make sure you include why you're adding me or i will likely ignore it.)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 30, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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