Rpg Chat


I have decided that we are going to be merging all of the RPG style plugins into a single plugin, Servers that want to only use a few features from them will still be able to do so through our config files. The RpgAPI page we have will be the one the plugin gets released on. It is taking a bit longer than expected to get them all updated but we are trying to make them as configurable as possible so every server can use them exactly how they want to.

Rpg Chat
Rpg Chat is an mmo style chat plugin, allowing world specific chat, region specific chat, multiple chat channels, and password protected chats.

This plugin is designed to allow server moderators to set up a chat system like that which is found in games like World of Warcraft, Rift, and many other popular MMO's.
- Join and leave chat channels
- Change the color of each channel channel your in
- create new public chat channels
- create region specific chat channels
- world specific chat doesn't need to be created just join it to always talk to people in the world chat of the world you're in!
- create private chat channels with passwords!
- joining, leaving, changing the color of chat, and setting a chat as your active chat are all easily accomplished through a simple inventory based gui.
- admins can choose to see all chats with the rchat spy command!
- chats are prefixed by the channel they are being sent from!
- permissions to cover almost every type of action to easily define who can do what on your server!

/rchat - Brings up the gui for joining channels, leaving channels, changing channel colors, and setting your active talk channel.
/rchat create {channel_name} - creates a new public chat channel
/rchat create {channel_name} {password} - creates a new private password protected channel
/rchat promote (channel_name} {playername} - gives ownership of a channel you created to another player
/rchat delete (channel_name} - deletes a channel as long as you are the owner of it!
/rchat join {channel_name} - join a chat channel
/rchat join {channel_name} {password} - join a private password protected chat channel
/rchat ignore {playername} - add a player to your ignore list to block all messages they send! (cannot block ops, or players with the rchat.bypass.ignore permission)
/rchat unignore {playername} - remove a player form your ignore list
/rchat spy - toggle spy mode on or off
/chatregion create {region_name} {radius} - create a new chat region that extends to a certain radius
/chatregion delete {region_name} - deletes a previously created chat region

rchat.create - create a public chat channel
rchat.create.password - create a private password protected channel
rchat.delete - delete a channel you own
rchat.promote - promote a player to owner of your chat (that player must have the rchat.create permission to be an owner
rchat.join - join a chat through commands (used for joining private chats)
rchat.bypass.password - players with this permission do not need passwords to join private chats
rchat.ignore - add players to your ignore list
rchat.bypass.ignore - players with this permission can't be ignored
rchat.spy - players with this permission can choose to spy on all chats
rchat.region - create and delete chat regions.

Config File

#Must be a multiple of 9 no higher than 45
Max Channels: 45
#this section is where you put new channels. World chat by default will only send
#messages to players on the same world. (this only works if you don't rename it!!)
#Region Chat channels like world channels are a single channel that changes based on the region or world you're in.
    soulofw0lf: '&c'
  Region Chat:
    soulofw0lf: '&f'
  World Chat:
    soulofw0lf: '&4'
#This section contains players ignore lists
Ignore Lists:
    playernamehere: true
#This section has a players current active channel that they're typed chat will go into, as well as any channels they own.
  #turns on social spy, allowing you to see all channels. must have rchat.spy permission
  Spy: true
#the chat that your typed text currently goes into
  Active Chat: Default
  Owned Channels:
    channelsownedhere: true
#this section is for channel passwords.
  channelnamehere: passwordhere
#Saved Chennel regions go here
Chat Regions:
  region name:
    X: 0.0
    Y: 0.0
    Z: 0.0
    World: world
    Radius: 50.0

My RPG Plugins
Rpg Click

Rpg Party

Rpg Trade

Rpg Guilds

RPG Food

RPG Lobby

RPG Achievements

RPG Spawns


Help fund my programming hobby :)

I'm always available to help with issues with this plugin. feel free to log onto my ts3 at voice.vartala.com or add soulofw0lf on skype (Make sure you include why you're adding me or i will likely ignore it.)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 31, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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