Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions


/rtp <username>Teleports you to a player (assuming they can be teleported to)
/rtp <username> -sTeleports you to a player silently (assuming they can be teleported to, and you have silent permissions)
/rtp <username> <username>Teleports the first player to the second player (regardless of permissions, as long as the command sender has teleport.others)

Silent = The player is not told that you have teleported to them, useful if you are invisible.


rtp.teleportAllows you to teleport to players who have rtp.beteleportedtofalse
rtp.beteleportedtoAllows you to be teleported tofalse
rtp.teleport.silentAllows you to teleport silently (assuming you have permissions to teleport)false
rtp.teleport.othersAllows you to teleport anyone to anyone, regardless of permissionsfalse
rtp.teleport.overrideAllows you to teleport to anyone, regardless of their permissionsfalse


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