main/Command Reference

Command Reference

General Command Syntax

/reminder <command> [parameter [parameter]]


    The first word without speech marks ( " or ' ) is interpreted as <player>. The first word without speech marks ( " or ' ) following player is interpreted as <tag>. A word in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" (i.e. 2014-03-22) is interpreted as <date>. In this example the date is March 22, 2014 (US). A word in the format "hh:mm" (i.e. 12:01) is interpreted as <time>. A number preceded by plus (+) is considered an <offset>. A series of words surrounded by speech marks ( " ) is interpreted as a <message>. Parameters for tag, delay, rate and echo can be explicitly defined using the parameter name followed by the parameter value. (i.e. delay 10) * Parameters may be entered in any order.


Some commands use tags (or parameters) to determine which reminder record you wish to create or modify. Tags also specify the data used to create or modify a reminder record. Tags are parsed as either specifiers or data tags.
A specifier for a specific reminder record. Used when adding, listing or deleting a reminder record. When used, <player> and <tag> may not be used as specifier tags. To get the <id> of a record, use the //List// command.
A specifier or data tag defining a player's in-game name. In chat, the TAB key can be used to auto-fill this tag. When used as a specifier, <id> may not be used.
A specifier or data tag defining a reminder record's tag field. When <player> is used as a specifier,

Date, Time and +Offset

    Date must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd, where yyyy is the four digit year, mm is the two digit month and dd is the two digit day. If date is omitted, Reminder will use the current day. Time must be in the format hh:mm, where hh is the two digit hour (0 - 23) and mm is the two digit minute (0 - 59). If time is omitted, Reminder will use the current time. Offset is the number of minutes from the current date and time and must be preceded by a plus ( + ). Specify either an offset or the date and/or time.

Player and the Tag tag

For brevity, the a tag may be added to a reminder command without needing to use the "tag" identifier followed by the value. However, the "tag" identifier may be useful for clarity. This makes the two following commands equal:
/reminder list Chrisbotcom tag mcindex
/reminder list Chrisbotcom mcindex

All Players or Just One

To set a reminder for only one player, specify the player's in-game name. If the player is online, use the tab key to auto-complete the name:
/reminder add Chrisbotcom ...
To set a reminder for all players in all worlds, use the astrisk ( * ):
/reminder add * 'a message'
To set a reminder for all players in all worlds, use the astrisk ( * ):
/reminder add * 'a message for everyone'
To set a reminder for all players in only certain worlds, use the astrisk ( * ) followed by world names separated by commas.:
/reminder add *skyworld 'a message for everyone in skyworld'
/reminder add *pvp1,pvp2 'a message for everyone in pvp1 and pvp2'
To set a reminder for all players in only a group of worlds starting with the same name, use the astrisk ( * ) followed by world names separated by commas, followed by astrisk ( * ):
/reminder add *world* 'a message for everyone in world, world_nether and world_the_end'
/reminder add *pvp*,cellblock* 'a message for everyone in the pvp group and cellblock group of worlds.'

Adding Color to Your Message

Reminder enables you to use three methods for adding color to your message.
    Amperstand ( & ): Use &x where x is the attribute code. See Section Sign ( § ): Use §x where x is the attribute code. This can be entered using map editors and can be entered into the message field from a SQL client. Escape sequence ( \u00a7 ): \u00a7 is actually the Section Sign's hex value. "\u" means escape unsigned and "00a7" is the integer hex value.



List one or more reminders. This is best run from the console because the output is wide and formatted. Will list up to the number of rows specified by maxRows in config.yml.
Command LineDescription
/reminder list
List all record up to config's maxRows setting.
/reminder list <id>
List a record with specified id.
/reminder list <player>
List all records for a player up to config's maxRows setting.
/reminder list <player> <tag>
List all records for a player having tag up to config's maxRows setting.
/reminder list tag <tag>
List all records for a tag up to config's maxRows setting.


Add a reminder. When adding a reminder having a long message, it is easier to first add the reminder without specifying delay, rate and echo, then update the reminder and set delay, rate and echo as desired. Alternatively, reminders may be added directly to the database.
Command LineDescription
/reminder add <player> 'message'
Add a reminder using default tag, delay, rate and echo.
/reminder add <player> [tag] <tag> 'message'
Add a reminder specifying tag, using default delay, rate and echo. The tag specifier may optionally be used.
/reminder add <player> <tag> 'message'
delay <delay> rate <rate> echo <echo>
Add a reminder specifying tag, delay, rate and echo.


Delete one or more reminder(s). Alternatively, reminders may be deleted directly from the database.
Command LineDescription
/reminder delete <id>
Delete a reminder with the specified id.
/reminder delete <player>
Delete all reminders for a specified player.
/reminder delete <player> [tag] <tag>
Delete all reminders for the specified player and tag. The tag specifier may optionally be used.
/reminder delete tag <tag>
Delete all reminders for a specified tag.


Update reminder. Alternatively, reminders may be updated directly in the database.
Command LineDescription
/reminder update <id> 'message'
Update a reminder's mesage having the specified tag.
/reminder update <player> [tag] <tag>
Update a reminder's message specifying player and tag. The tag specifier may optionally be used.
/reminder update <id> delay <delay>
rate <rate> echo <echo>
Update a reminder having specified id, giving new values for delay, rate and echo.


Reload config making it immediately effective. Use this command when altering config.yml directly. Reload will effect default tag specifier vialues. Reload will not effect database connection config changes. To change edited database config, reload or restart Bukkit.
/reminder reload


Stop reminder messages. Reminder continues to track player join and disconnect.
/reminder stop


Resume stopped reminder messages.
/reminder resume


Show server time.
/reminder time


Change a setting in config and immediately effective. One or more tag specifiers may be used.
set, setdefaults
/reminder setdefault delay <delay> rate <rate> echo <echo>


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