

/land buy or /land kaufenRegionKing.buyBuys the region - add an optional "empty" to disable setting borders of this buy
/land sell or /land verkaufenRegionKing.sellSells a region - add an optional "empty" to disable setting borders of this sell
/land take [optional name]RegionKing. takeOverrides a region to the player or if specified on another
/land defineRegionKing.defineOverrides all selected regions to the player who executes the command!
/land add [player name]RegionKing.addAdds the player as a member
/land remove [player name]RegionKing. removeRemoves the player as a member
/land buyup or /land aufkaufenBuys up an inactive region
/land infoRegionKing.infoShows the information about the region
/land offer [optional price] or /land anbieten [optional price]RegionKing.offerSets the region for sale - if the offer is set to "0" the offer is deleted
/land abkaufenRegionKing.abkaufenBuys a region, which is offered

Flag commands

Flag commands are configurable by the server owner. Only change the values of yaml-path "Regions.default-flags":
1. Add a flag: Get flagname from here an add a new list entry ('-')

- If you want the commands for the flags matching /land <flagname>-allow and /land <flagname>-deny, so an empty value is entered.
- If you want to create custom commands for the flags you have to type the to "DENY" setting command seperated by a "&" and the to "ALLOW" setting command: "- XYZ: xyzon&xyzoff"

2. Delete a flag: Only remove the list entry

3. Change flag: Change the values.


RegionKing.*Gives access to all commands of this plugin
RegionKing.flag.*Gives access to all flag commands of this plugin


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