Example: Setting up a town

Example: Setting up a town

What we want:

  • A town called "MyTown"
    • Only one region per user should be allowed
  • A marketplace (called "Marketplace")
    • Users should only be able to rent the plots
    • Users should be able to rent up to one plot, even if they already own a region in the city
  • A restricted area for premium-users only (called "PremiumArea")

The town itself

First possibility to add a region

  1. Create the town using WorldGuard
    1. Select the area using the WorldEdit wand
    2. Type in /rg define MyTown (WorldGuard command)
  2. Use //region addparent MyTown to add it to RegionForSale
  3. Type //region set max-regions 1 to limit the amount of regions a player can maximal have in this town.

The marketplace

Second possibility to add a region

  1. Select the area using WorldEdit's wand
  2. Type //region define parent Marketplace to create the region and directly add it to RegionForSale
  3. Type //region set buyable false - We only want marketplaces to be rentable.
  4. Type //rg set max-regions 1, in order that users can always rent one plot, no matter if they already owe a plot somewhere in MyTown

The premium-area

  1. Select the area
  2. Type //region define parent PremiumArea
  3. Require permissions to buy/rent in this area
    1. Type //region set parmission-required-buy true
    2. Type //region set parmission-required-rent true
  4. Give premiums the permissions to buy & rent regions in there:
    - - - -regionforsale.buy.PremiumArea
    - - - -regionforsale.rent.PremiumArea