Group MOTD + Directory Structure + Selection Order

How do I setup groups?

RealMotd needs to be highly extensible, so I made a separate YAML file for groups. It's stored in RealMotd's folder(path_to_server/plugins/RealMotd/groups.yml). This file does not create itself, so you have to create it. The best way is to copy this example file:

groups: # root tag
    mygroup:  # group name
        members:   # members
            - Tomsik68
            - Notch
            - jeb_

MOTD modes + groups + worlds

This examples show how different motd algorithms work with world-specific and group-specific mode.


  1. Look for motd.txt in messages/group/world
  2. Look for motd.txt in messages/group/
  3. Look for motd.txt in messages/world
  4. Look for motd.txt in messages/


  1. Look for motd_MONTH_DAY.txt in messages/group/world
  2. Look for motd_MONTH_DAY.txt in messages/group/
  3. Look for motd_MONTH_DAY.txt in messages/world
  4. Look for motd_MONTH_DAY.txt in messages/
  5. Look for motd.txt in messages/group/world
  6. Look for motd.txt in messages/group/
  7. Look for motd.txt in messages/world
  8. Look for motd.txt in messages/ where MONTH is current month and DAY is the current day of the month


  • Note: RealMotd only gets to other step if there are no files with .txt ending in the given folder
  1. If group-specific & world-specific: Any file from messages/group/world
  2. If group-specific: Any file from messages/group
  3. if world-specific: Any file from messages/world
  4. Else: Any file from messages/
  • world is name of player world
  • group is name of group player is in


Don't worry if you don't understand to what you just red. It's just too messy. Just check out the Quick Start page for setup.