RandomTips Announcer

RandomTips Announcer

RandomTips is an auto announcer that was creating out of the ideas for random tips and facts.

Whilst administering new players on our server I would manually type out a tip with a silly random number for example:

'ProTip#2352: Didnt make member rank? Its probably not your awful build.'
'ProTip#302: You can deny idiots from you plot with /plotme deny <idiots name>'

and so RandomTips was born.

RandomTips allows server owners and admins to setup announcements for specific worlds, to help new users learn tips or to just simply inform them.


  • Multiworld support.
  • Custom prefix for each world.
  • A global announcer.
  • Random tip numbers (just for fun).
  • Add and remove messages ingame.
  • Stop and start announcements ingame.
  • Players can ignore a specific announer.


Player Commands

  • Toggle ignore for world: - /rt ignore

Permissions: randomtips.player

Admin Commands

  • Add message: - /rt add <world> <message>
  • Remove message: - /rt remove <world> <id>
  • List world messages: - /rt messages <world>
  • Stop world announcer: - /rt stop <world>
  • Start world announcer: - /rt start <world>
  • Reload RandomTips and it configs: - /rt reload

Permissions: randomtips.admin


#Worlds: specific worlds and 'Broadcast' to all worlds
#Prefix: can have a random number, use %i to insert it.
#Interval: time between each message in seconds.
#Delay: delay before the announcer starts.
#Random: Random message order.
#Messages: enclose all messages with ' ' to be safe.
Version: 1.04


- Survival_world
- Creative_world
- Broadcast
#Messages of world 'Survival_world'
  Prefix: '&f[&6ProTip&f]#&c%i&f: '
  Interval: 120
  Delay: 20
  Random: true
  - '&aBuild far away from spawn! Hint: 10mins walk is not far.'
  - '&aNew? Want a town? get 3 friends to pool their money!'
  - '&aWant to win some prizes? Type &e''/joinhunt''&a to join the nightly MobHunt.'
  - '&aWant to save spawners? Use a &esilktouch pickaxe&a to grab them.'
  - '&aCan''t find your way out of PvE? Type &e''/spawn'''
  - '&aUse &e''/town list''&a to find an open town and use &e''/town join <townname>''&a
    to join.'
  - '&aType &e/buy 7 &ato use &4Red-stone-dust&a to teleport.'

#Messages for world 'Creative_world'
  Prefix: '&f[&cProTip&f]#&c%i&f: '
  Interval: 120
  Delay: 20
  Random: true
  - '&aUse &e/plotme&a deny, to remove idiots from your plots.'
  - '&aUse &e/plotme&a comment, to add comment to people builds.'
  - '&aUse &e/plotme&a clear to clear your dreddful builds.'
  - '&aIf you''re not getting promoted, its not you, its your builds.'
  - '&aSpamming will get you banned, so do us a favour get it over with.'
  - '&aAsking for rank will get you ranked slower, FACT.'
  - '&aDidn''t make member rank? It''s probably not your awful build.'
  - '&aWant day? &e/ptime day &4Boom&a and the night is gone!'

#Messages for all world; Global Announcements.
  Prefix: '&6[&4Notice&6] '
  Interval: 200
  Delay: 20
  Random: false
  - '&4Visit &ehttp://www.domain.com&amp;4 for more info'
  - '&4Join our mumble server at &edomain.com'
  - '&4Like us on Facebook! &ehttp://www.facebook.com/ServerName'
  - '&4Visit&e http://mc.domain.com:8123 &4for dynmap.'
  - '&4Use &e''/buy''&e or visit &ehttp://store.domain.com/ &4to buy perks.'
  - '&4Need a admin or mod? Create a request type /modreq'
  InsufPerms: '&cInsufficient Permissions!'
  MessagesHeader: '&f[&6id&f]----------------&f[&6Messages&f]----------------'
  NoAnnouncer: '&cWorld: &f[&6%s&f]&c doesn''t have an Announcer.'
  WorldNotDefined: '&cWorld: &f[&6%s&f]&c not defined.'
  NoMessage: '&cMessaged required.'
  MessageAdded: '&aMessage: %s &a added.'
  AddUsage: '&c/rt add <world> <message>'
  MessageRemoved: '&aMessage: %s &aremoved.'
  MessageInvalide: '&cMessage &f[&6%s&f]&c doesn''t exist.'
  RemoveUsage: '&c/rt remove <world> <message-id>'
  AnnouncerStopped: '&aAnnouncer for &f[&6%s&f]&a stopped.'
  AnnouncerNotRunning: '&cAnnouncer not running.'
  StopUsage: '&c/RT start <world> - World undefined.'
  AnnoucerStarted: '&aAnnouncer for &f[&6%s&f]&a started.'
  AnnouncerRunning: '&cAnnouncer already running.'

Please Paste your config and server log if you have any problems


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