Language Files

There is only 1 language available atm. Feel free to translate it to your native language.

language_version: 0.7

# ## formatcodes:
# §0 - Black
# §1 - Dark Blue
# §2 - Dark Green
# §3 - Dark Aqua
# §4 - Dark Red
# §5 - Purple
# §6 - Gold
# §7 - Gray
# §8 - Dark Gray
# §9 - Blue
# §a - Green
# §b - Aqua
# §c - Red
# §d - Light Purple
# §e - Yellow
# §f - White

# §k - Obfuscated
# §l - Bold
# §m - Strikethrough
# §n - Underline
# §o - Italic
# §r - Reset

# ## variables for help:
# [%descr] - description message for the command
# [%basic] - basic command
# [%syntax] - full command syntax (with arguments & alias)
# [%help] - the help command for this command

cmdHelpPattern: "§e[%cmd] §r- §6[%descr]"

# ## variables for commandtext:
# [%player] - the player who executed this
# [%cmd] - the executed command
# [%help] - the help command for this command
# [%mainhelp] - main help command
# [%plugin] - the plugin name

cmdFailSytax: "§4Incorrect command syntax. Use §6[%help]§4 to see help."
cmdFailPermission: "§4You do not have the permissions to do this!"
cmdFailBroken: "§4This command seems to be broken! Please notify an admin!"

# ## NO additional variables in this command section are  allowed! (except colores)

cmdHelpTitle: "§6_____.oxX[§e[%plugin]§6 Help §4[%page]§6]Xxo._____"
cmdHelpSingle: "§6_____.oxX[§e[%cmd]§6 Help]Xxo._____"
cmdHelpSyntax: "§6Usage: §e[%syntax]"
cmdHelpTextColor: "§6"

      descr: "Add teleports."
        - "Add a WordEdit selection as teleport area."
        - "If the selection is too small, it will be added as Location instead."
        - "If WorldEdit is not installed, it will add your current location as teleport."
      descr: "Combine teleports to a single one."
        - "Combine two teleports to a single one."
        - "Combine a location with an area to expand the area until it contains both."
        - "Combine two locations to convert them to an area."
        - "Combine two areas to expand the area until it contains both."
      descr: "Invite a player to join your last teleport."
        - "Invite players to allow them to teleport to your last random spot."
        - "If you disconnet all invitations get resetted."
      descr: "Accept an invitation to join a teleport."
        - "Accept an invitation to teleport to the same random spot as your partner."
        - "This gets saved until you join an other group or one of you is disconnecting."
      descr: "Lists all teleports."
        - "List up all available teleports."
        - "Specify a group to filter the list."
      descr: "Reload teleports/settings/data."
        - "Reload the basic contends of this plugin."
      descr: "Remove teleports."
        - "Remove a teleport from the list."
      descr: "Teleport to a random location."
        - "Teleport to a radom location."
        - "Specify a group to change the target list."

# ## Messages section:
# ## Variables are individual for each message.

listTitle: "§6Teleports §e[Page [%page]]§6:" # [%page]
listEntry: "§e[%type]§6:§e[%name]§6 group §e[%group]§6 chance §e[%chance]§6!" # [%type] [%name] [%group] [%chance]

failMoved: "§4You moved! Teleport canceled!"
failDamage: "§4You took damage! Teleport canceled!"
failAlready: "§4Teleport already initiated! Do not move!"
failCooldown: "§4You must wait §6[%time]§4 seconds before you can teleport again!" # [%time]
failInvalid: "§4No valid spot could be found!"
failAdd: "§4Teleport §6[%name]§4 already exists and will not be overwritten! Please delete it first before using the name again." # [%name]
failCombineWorld: "§4Teleports have to be in the same world!"
failCombineAlready: "§4Teleport §6[%name]§4 already exists and will not be overwritten! Please delete it first before using the name again." # [%name]
failJoin: "§6[%player]§4 has not invited you yet." # [%player]
failTpMiss: "§4Teleport §6[%name]§4 does not exist!" # [%name]
failPlayerMiss: "§4Player §6[%player]§4 not online/found!" # [%player]

add: "§e[%type]§6:§e[%name]§6 was created & loaded into group §e[%group]§6 with chance §e[%chance]§6!" # [%type] [%name] [%group] [%chance]
delete: "§6Teleport §e[%name]§4 was successfull deleted!" # [%name]
combine: "§6Teleports were combined to §e[%name]§6 & loaded into group §e[%group]§6 with chance §e[%chance]§6!" # [%name] [%group] [%chance]
reload: "§6Reload done!"
invite: "§6You invited §e[%player]§6 to join your last random spot." # [%player]
inviteOther: "§e[%player]§6 invited you to join their last random spot." # [%player]
join: "§6You joined §e[%player]§6's last random spot." # [%player]
joinOther: "§e[%player]§6 joined your last random spot." # [%player]

initiate: "§6Teleport initiated! You will be teleported in §e[%time]§6 seconds!" # [%time]
initiateGroup: "§6Teleport to §e[%player]§6's last random spot initiated! (§e[%time]§6 seconds remaining)" # [%time] [%player]
done: "§6You teleported to a random location!"
doneGroup: "§6You teleported to §e[%player]§6's last random spot!" # [%player]


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