Quidditch plugin

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin was made after a request, found here. It basically adds Quidditch to minecraft.


Starting with the holidays I though of some things to do. Quidditch came to my mind. I hadn't updated it in a while and it wasn't quite working. So I looked at the code and after a brief moment of disgust decided to rewrite it. And after reading the "Quidditch Through the Ages" Book from J.K. Rowling I decide to change some things. Some for the better and maybe some for the worse. The code quality of the plugin is still not that high and I will probably look at it with the same feeling of shame next year :). But I think it is certainly more playable now. One problem is however, that testing such a game is quite hard with just one person and one alt. So there may be many bugs I have missed and maybe even more that occur solely with more players. So please report every bug you find and I will hope I will be able to fix it soon!

As of the rewrite it is NO LONGER COMPATIBLE WITH 1.7. This is mainly because I used armorstands.



As of now you have no means to fly, so you would need to allow your users to fly or install some kind of broom plugin. I wasn't quite sure if I should try to implement some. I tried to create one about half a year ago, using 4 armorstand, 2 holding sticks and the other holding saplings. It woked quite fine in the end, though it kept bugging behind the player if the speed was too high... . I wasn't able to find a fix to this and there may be none. It would be quite easy to implement even different kinds of brooms using resource packs, which would even be able to fly smoothly at any speed. Problem with that is, that I am absolutly trash when it comes to art tasks like modeling... . So, you could express your ideas in the comment section if you want to.

There are 4 teams, 4 positions and 3 ball types. The teams are - of course - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

The positions are:

This person tries to catch the Snitch. If he/she gets it, the game is over.
These 2 persons can hit the bludger, causing them to search another target.
These 3 people try to get the Quaffle in/to the enemies goal.
Can pick the quaffle up after a goal was scored, without having to wait.

The balls are:

This little Flying gold - goldnugget armorstand thing, which sadly bugs a bit due to it being in minecraft, must be caught. If it's caught, the game is over and the team gets 150 points.
These two? slimes search for targets, fly to them and stack on top. You will get Nausea and will be unable to see in first person or carry the Quaffle.
This red wool block can be picked up by Chasers. If you picked it up you an throw it by leftclicking. Having a Bludger on top will remove the Quaffle. The goal with fire particles is the one you need to score in.


The main command is: /quidditch The other ones are:

/quidditch helpThis command displays the help.
/quidditch createThis creates a new arena. It is designed to guide you through the creation process. I have developed the plug-in, I understand the guide. If you don't please let me know. The messages sent are also configurable in the language.yml
/quidditch listThis lists all loaded arenas.
/quidditch sign <create / delete / lookup / list> [arena] [x] [y] [z] [world]This lets you A: create a sign for a specific arena, or B: delete the sign you are looking at, or C: lookup if the sign you are looking at is a ArenaSign, or D: Display the number of signs in an arena. The last 4 arguments are only needed if you execute the command from the console.
/quidditch delete <arena>This deletes the arena permanently.
/quidditch join <arena> [PlayingClass] [School]This lets you join an arena. The last 2 arguments are only needed if you have "JOIN_ARENA_USE_GUI" set to false in the config.yml
/quidditch leaveThis lets you leave the arena you are currently in.
/quidditch info <arena>This displays information about the arena. Looks nice on console, terrible ingame. Can't easily be formatted nice, since the resource packs handle the character width differently and TAB is not valid
/quidditch stop <arena>This stops the queue/game currently running in the arena.
/quidditch reloadThis reloads the language and config files.


Sign Listquidditch.CommandSign.list
Sign Createquidditch.CommandSign.create
Sign Deletequidditch.CommandSign.delete
Sign Lookupquidditch.CommandSign.lookup


The config has various settings, all should be clear with the help of the comments.


All messages that get send within this plugin are saved in one File. You can adjust everything there. The team names, the end message,... . Placholders, named and explained above the message, get automagically replaced with the right values. Please note: If a message couldn't be found, it will be replaced with "&c&lKey&6 <key name> &c&lNot found!"


This plugin doesn't use an updater anymore. I will maybe implement one in the future.



Please comment ideas and bugs


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 10, 2015
  • Last Released File
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