


PvPEvent is a simple Plugin witch allows you to join 9 different Teams an get Colord Armor from the team witch you choose.


PvPEvent ist ein Einfache Plugin was euch erlaubt neun verschiedenen Teams zu joinnn und dann farbige RĂ¼stung von dem jewilgen Team zu erhalten


  1. /pvp shows The Basic Information of the Plugin Permission: pvp.help
  2. /pvp Help shows alle the Commands Permission: none
  3. /pvp team Force you to join the Team you typed in Permission: pvp.team
  4. /pvp setspawn Permissions: pvpevent.admin
  5. /pvp join Permissions: pvpevent.join
  6. /pvp leave Permissions: none


  • It's setup like a little Minigame you can set the spawn, join and leave the game.
  • When you have joined the game and you are running over :
  1. An Redstoneblock you will get Stregth
  2. An Lapisblock you will get an Speed boost
  3. A Sponge you will get an Jump boost
  4. An Glowstoneblock you will get Regeneration
  • you can choose you team afer joining the game with the command /pvp team, an gui will pop-up and you can choose your team. when you have clickt on the team you want to join you will get a Comlete iron armor set exept for the hemlet there will be placed a colerd wool block with the color of your team

Planned Features:

  1. Fix the firendly-fire bug
  2. Scorboard
  3. Points System (including Scroeboard)
  4. What should be next write me an Pm :D


...is comming soon :D

Got any Error

Write me an pm see you :D


If you want to help developing this plugin please send me a pm with someone Informationen about you and your skills

Sorry for my bad englisch, i'am an German guy :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 2, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Oct 3, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License

