Pvp Perms

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! PvpPerms_v2.0 is completely recoded! NEW FEATURES!

PvpPerms Version 2.0

What is PvpPerms?
PvpPerms is a permission based Pvp Canceler. If two players have the same permission (configured in the configuration file) then they cannot hit each other! This adds the ability to create faction based servers with just permissions! There is no longer a need for a heavy plugin that controls multiple things you do not need! There are now an unlimited number of Pvp Groups you can create using the new Config file!


There is no need to worry about updating from Version 1.0 since that version did not have a Config file.
Just follow these easy steps to be able to use PvpPerms

  1. Download PvpPerms_v2.0.jar
  2. Drag and drop this jar file into your plugins folder (Found in your server root directory)
  3. Reload or restart your server
  4. Locate the PvpPerms folder found in you plugins folder
  5. Open the PvpPerms folder and locate config.yml
  6. Open and edit the config.yml to your liking
  7. Save the config.yml and close the file
  8. Go in-game to the server and type /PvpPerms Reload (Note this only works in-game)
  9. Give two players the permission pvpperms.[Whatever group name you want (Note this group must be listed in Groups in the config.yml)]
  10. Congratulations! You just set up pvpperms!


There are only a few commands currently in PvpPerms!

  • PvpPerms - Brings up and error message telling you to type /PvpPerms Help
  • PvpPerms Help - Shows all PvpPerms related commands
  • PvpPerms Reload - Reloads the config.yml


Command Related Permissions:

  • pvpperms.permission.admin - gives access to all PvpPerms commands

Group Related Permissions:
Group permissions depend on what you specify in your config.yml
For example, if in your config.yml under Groups: you have the following:

  • Groups:
    - 'Charlie'
    - 'Delta'
    - 'Echo'

Then your permisison groups would be PvpPerms.Charlie, PvpPerms.Delta, and PvpPerms.Echo
If you want certain players to not be able to Pvp with each other, just make sure they all have the same permission pertaining to their group.


#PvpMessageEnabled toggles whether or not the player is sent a message when he/she hits someone in the same group (Options are true and false)
PvpMessageEnabled: true
#PvpMessage is the message sent when a player hits someone in the same group (PvpMessageEnabled must be set to true for a player to see it)
#All color codes are supported. %d is replaced with the attacker and %v is replaced with the victim. %g is replaced with the group the player is in
#Not all % are needed in the PvpMessage
PvpMessage: '&bYou, &3%d &bcannot hit &3%v &bwho is in the group &3%g&b!'
#You can add as many groups below Groups
#Make sure you follow the format though
- 'Delta'
- 'Charlie'
- 'Echo'
- 'Flame'

Future Plans

These plans are not definite and can change. Things can also be added to it. See the feedback section for more info.

  • Add a command that adds a group in-game
  • Add a command that toggles the PvpMessageEnabled in-game
  • Add a command that sets the PvpMessage in-game


This plugin was created for my server originally but after I lost the use for it I decided to release it to the public. This plugin is now for the public and I can add/change/edit things if you ask for it. Suggest things. Ask for things. Complain about things. Help make this plugin even more awesome!


If Pvp results to be completely disabled:

  • Check to see that groups are not inheriting each other

If the group is not being found or not working:

  • Make sure you specified the group in the config and that if follows the format

If the message is not working:

  • Make sure that you do not have it disabled and that it starts and ends in ' and that there are not any ' in between

If the plugin in general isn't working:

  • Make sure that there aren't any places you might have pressed tab or that the config you have follows the format

From the Developer

It has been a very long time since I have updated this plugin and I have finally decided to do so along with most my other plugins. This version of PvpPerms is completely re-coded! This means that several new features have been added and there will be a lot less bugs that there were before. Along with that, new bugs may arise so if you find any, please leave a comment. Thank you very much for downloading it. If you want (absolutely not necessary), you can donate to show appreciation. Thanks so much for downloading this plugin and using it on your servers!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 23, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 28, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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