
The configuration file (config.yml) is generated automatically, you can find at plugins/Profession/config.yml

All configuration options can be set via in game commands or in the console, see the Commands page.


You can configure the material used to change the profession of a villager. There are 5 variables (one each per villager profession):

farmer_material: [MATERIAL]
fisherman_material: [MATERIAL]
shepard_material: [MATERIAL]
fletcher_material: [MATERIAL]
librarian_material: [MATERIAL]
cartographer_material: [MATERIAL]
cleric_material: [MATERIAL]
armorer_material: [MATERIAL]
weapon_smith_material: [MATERIAL]
tool_smith__material: [MATERIAL]
butcher_material: [MATERIAL]
leatherworker_material: [MATERIAL]
nitwit_material: [MATERIAL]
zombie_material: [MATERIAL]

Change the [MATERIAL] to any valid Material type. There is a list of valid materials here:


The worlds configuration section lets you enable or disable Profession on a per world basis.

   [WORLD NAME]: [true|false]


   world: true
   hope_springs_eternal: true
   another_world: false


You can set the language for the player messages. Currently there is English and dodgy Google translations for French, German and Spanish. Set the language using the country code i.e.: English -> EN, French -> FR, German -> DE, and Spanish -> ES


lang: EN

Material consumption

To set up a basic economy system for Profession to use, you can set consume to true. This will take one of the material used to change a villager's profession away from the player's inventory. Consume is false by default.

consume: [true|false]


To set whether to message the player if they don't have a valid material, permission, or access to profession changing in a world set message to true. To silence the plugin messages set to false.

message: [true|false]