Prepare for PVP

PrepareForPvp - Overview
Allows you to use get kits in one command. An essentials for kitpvp servers!

PrepareForPvp - Commands
/pvp - Gives full iron armor and diamond sword with sharpness I and the rest of the inv with mushroom soup.
/archer - Gives Power I Bow and 128 Arrows and the rest of the inv with mushroom soup.
/heavy - Gives Diamond Armour, Iron Sword with Knockback II, Slowness II and Strength II. The rest of the inv is full of mushroom soup.
/mage - Gives iron armour and goldchesplate, ironsword with sharpness I, 6 splash potion of poison II (0:16), splash potion of slowness (1:07), splash potion of regeneration (1:30) and 15 splash potions of harming. Rest of inv with mushroom soup
/knight - DiamondSword with Sharpness I, Diamond Armour with Protection I, Resistance I. Rest of inv is full of mushroom soup
/refill - Fills empty inventory slots with mushroom soup and removes any bowls you have.
/kitpvp - Shows info about the plugin and the version.
/kits - Shows kits on the server
/ci - Clears any potions, armour or items in inventory.
/clearinventory - Alias for /ci
/clear - Alias for /ci
/soup - Alias for /refill

All potions last forever (Until Death)

PrepareForPvp - Permissions
kitpvp.kit.pvp - Gives access to /pvp
kitpvp.kit.archer - Gives access to /archer
kitpvp.kit.heavy - Gives access to /heavy
kitpvp.kit.knight - Gives access to /knight
kitpvp.kit.mage - Gives access to /mage
kitpvp.extra.refill - Gives access to /refill and /soup - Gives access to /ci
kitpvp.update - On Join they get a message telling them to check here for updates.
kitpvp.extra.fastsoup - Heal 3 hearts with mushroom soup.
kitpvp.extra.nodeathdrop - You don't drop items when you die.
kitpvp.extra.nodrop - You can't drop items in your inventory.

- Instant eat plugin (IMPLEMENTED - permission: kitpvp.extra.fastsoup)
- If you want a nice way of entering arenas (Like punching signs or blocks) we use VariableTriggers.
- Anti Health Regen
- No Drop Items on Death (IMPLEMENTED - permission: kitpvp.extra.nodeathdrop)
- No Dropping Items (IMPLEMENTED - permission: kitpvp.extra.nodrop)

LIVE TEST SERVERS: (Mine - Modified Version)
Want your server here? Leave a comment below! :)

(Embed is broken sorry)

__Please do not edit the code or post the plugin as your own or state you made__

Planned Features :
- Anti Health Regen
- Config
- Anti Hunger (I use multiverse to disable hunger)

Know Bugs :
- None Yet!

Want a feature? - I might be able to add it ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 17, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 27, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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