
What is it?

PowerGrid is a plugin that was created to enable the creation of large fields of pistons. The original purpose was the creation of a bridge that can be lowered into or raised out of water and lava using redstone power but since creating it I have found other uses. For instance, since it will place powered redstone torches on any exposed face of the grid blocks, including the sides, you can make traps with large sections of the walls smashing in from either side:

...you can also transfer power vertically MUCH more easily than with redstone poweder. Just make a tower of grid blocks (up, down, diagonal... whatever) and it will transmit the power from your switch to the desired location. No need for spiraling staircases or repeaters!:


There are only three settings in the config.yml:

GridOffColor: WHITE

GridOnColor: YELLOW

MaxGridSize: 1000

The GridOffColor is the color of Wool that is used for the grid in it's "off state", where no power is being transmitted (the default is WHITE). When the grid enters this state, all torches are removed from all exposed block faces of all grid blocks (except the initial block).

The GridOnColor is the color of Wool that is used for the grid in it's "on state", where power is being transmitted (the default is YELLOW). When the grid enters this state, a powered redstone torch is added to all exposed block faces of all grid blocks (again, except the initial one).

The MaxGridSize setting is there for the protection of your server. It will prevent the plugin from adding torches to more than 1,000 blocks at a time. It's a setting so you can change it if you want to make structures that are larger than 1,000 blocks.

PowerGrid Diagram


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 13, 2011
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